1. snaggers110

    hello all!

    Look in the Series section plenty of peeps in there will help. You will also find other with the 6 cylinder series 2A. And :welcome: to the Zone
  2. snaggers110

    steering wheel radio controls

    What type of car, make of Stereo? Peeps need a little more to work with. But Welcome to the loony zone:D
  3. snaggers110

    Hi Everyone

    Feeling a bit dodgey when I got up but feeling better now cheers ray and :welcome:
  4. snaggers110

    Hello to the forum

    I told the wife we need an estate:pound::welcome2: to the zone philmag
  5. snaggers110

    Hi from Portugal!

    Well you have found it and :welcome2:. There is loads of advise on how to get your doors back on after a heavy rain:pound:
  6. snaggers110

    Hi from Belgium

    Its a Freelander,:pound: I am sure we will get to know you very well.:D
  7. snaggers110

    D B L Land Rover, Nailsea - Any opinions

    What luck! very first post and your spot on time to answer this question about a trader, thanks now all the gullable sheep can go and get our landies fix with piece of mind! Gee thanks:D:rolleyes:
  8. snaggers110

    Norfolk boi

    :welcome2: to the zone and a big high 6 from everybody:high5:
  9. snaggers110

    spare on swing away vs bonnet

    Its now mounted to the side of the vehicle which necessitated the drivers door mirror being extended by about 3 inches. All wolfs still come equipt with a bonnet mount bracket:rolleyes::D
  10. snaggers110

    Crossmember removal?

    4lb lump hammer and a wooden and block. Hold wood block against cross member and hit the block not the cross member with the lump hammer. Goes back the same way, just don't hit it as hard as you get closer to lining up the bolt holes:D
  11. snaggers110

    Afternoon All

    All right mate and :welcome:
  12. snaggers110

    New to the site

    :welcome:to the zone Cos
  13. snaggers110

    New to the site

    D'oh:hijacked: Its good manners to start your own Intro thread not jump on to someone else's. :mad: But :welcome: You get one more free try for being a noobie:D:D
  14. snaggers110

    Newby from the northeast

    All right mate that sounds like one of two probs. 1 The clutch slave cylinder has perished due to sitting up for so long. check to see if fluid in reservoir, it is bolted to the bulk head in front of the driver. or 2 the master cylinder has perished you will usually find a pool of an oily...
  15. snaggers110

    Hi everyone i am new

    Your in the right place for Landy questions and :welcome: Loads of good people on here only too happy to help. And there is the Series section for the more obscure and specialised questions:D
  16. snaggers110

    Good morning. I'm eager to learn and willing to listen!

    Your welcome and :welcome2: to the Zone
  17. snaggers110

    Newbie with a 110 needing some interior TLC

    So do I :D Just got to be dam careful when you use that Joke:behindsofa:
  18. snaggers110

    Newbie with a 110 needing some interior TLC

    You left venture Scouts in charge of something bigger than a Kub car:eek::lol:
  19. snaggers110

    Newbie with a 110 needing some interior TLC

    Helps when herding Beavers and Cubs on camp:D
  20. snaggers110

    G'Day..Yes another newbie

    G-day and:welcome2: to the zone