1. snaggers110

    WHY? I've had enough and want to sell

    DAMN YOU! I've been starring at your post for ten minutes and read fook all.......can't even remember what the threads about lol:lvlove-158:
  2. snaggers110

    Roof rack on or off?

    Bwah-hahah! With the amount of speed bumps around Finchley and barnet, I would probably leave me TF box on top of one. Still know where to go if I need one eh! haha:D:D
  3. snaggers110

    Which Model Is It

    Freelaner does that to me all the time, broken two feckin keyboards drooling and the wifes gettin suspicious lol:lvlove-158:
  4. snaggers110

    Roof rack on or off?

    I would leave mine on but as most shopping centres in london have either multi-storey parking or those annoying height restricters on the car parks I've got to keep it off until needed. pain in the @rse:mad:
  5. snaggers110

    1989 110 CSW for sale spares or repair

    Hi All, sorry for not updating sooner but I am on Jury service at the moment. The car is now sold and has gone to a good home.
  6. snaggers110

    hi all

    Awesome Avatar as per usual freelaner spent the last 15 mins staring at it:D oh and :welcome:to LZ
  7. snaggers110

    Looking for a 90 pickup. SE London

    Hi Gismo, One problem with what your looking for is the LEZ London Emission Zone:mad:. Commercial and utility LandRovers are liable for the LEZ (£100) per day :eek:.Best tip is when you see a vehicle you like get the Reg number and then go online to the TfL web site, They have a...
  8. snaggers110

    1989 110 CSW for sale spares or repair

    Hi all my sincerest appa-logies for the delay, I am in the process of settleing into a new job in RAF Bize norton and the tinternet access is bloody awful :mad:. Please find new piccies attached above. As I have said before the engine is dead, runs but loads of smoke and little compression. Ive...
  9. snaggers110

    1989 110 CSW for sale spares or repair

    Sorry peeps for delays in getting more info to you, stuck on night's at RAF brize norton. Internet access sucks so sending this from my phone. As Ben said i'm looking 15 hundred for her she will come with loads of spares that I got for her. PM me for more info only to glad reply. Many thanks for...
  10. snaggers110

    1989 110 CSW for sale spares or repair

    I'm selling my 110 CSW the car has 242k on the clock. The turbo blew on holiday in france and I believe caused other damage to the engine. A brand new turbo has been fitted but the engine problems still persist. I am working shifts and I don't have the time to fix it myself hence i'm selling it...
  11. snaggers110

    Hi everybody.

    Snaggers110 back to the loonyzone after a long, (and busy period at work):mad:. Thought I would tip the hat to you here before plowing back into things. I hope you are all well:D
  12. snaggers110

    Any custom build bonnet spare tire mounts?

    Be advised though to open the bonnet (hood) you will be lifting your spare wheel as well if you have upper body strength issues you may need to bear this in mind:D If you need any more info don't hesitate to ask/PM
  13. snaggers110

    Any custom build bonnet spare tire mounts?

    I got the proper bonnet mount from, (ahem):rolleyes: work and made up a reinforcing plate to spread the weight of the wheel on the bonnet (hood). The only time I have seen damaged caused to the bonnet was when some lazy buggers just let the bonnet slam back down. This will cause the bonnet to...
  14. snaggers110

    Oily Puddle Under Car

    Its just marking its territory mate:D
  15. snaggers110

    Hello Landy Zone

    :scratching_chin:Hmmm lewd comments and gratuitous cyber sex, Horseandhound on line you say! Do they take soldiers by any chance:D. Oh and :welcome2: Anne:D Why have you sent your kids to the west Mid-lands:pound:
  16. snaggers110

    New Owner

    Don't you just love their little personality quirks:wtf::hysterically_laughi
  17. snaggers110

    New Owner

    Its not leaking just marking it's territory, and letting you know its still got oil in the sump.:D
  18. snaggers110

    Hello all

    Hi and welcome to Landy zone
  19. snaggers110

    Hi Everyone

    Freelander most probably:rolleyes: Welcome to the Loony Zone. As well as lots of great people and excellent advise there is also a lot of leg pulling about what you drive etc. It's all in good humour so enjoy, if your of a delicate disposition stay away from Anything goes or be prepared with...
  20. snaggers110

    Hello from Quilkyn

    Not Military then TD5 has 5 Cylinders as opposed to the 4 Cylinder 300 Tdi and the Military have never used TD5 in front line Green fleet role. In the 90-110-130 section there is a section with the Land Rover parts catalogue which is free to use. Welcome to the Zone:D