
New Member
Hiya. I have my heart set on a bonnet mounted spare. We're worried about durability in the long term. Is there anything on the market they reinforces the bonnet? Or can we do something to make our current bonnet more equipped for the task. Thank you in advance.
I've never seen a spare mounted on a bonnet in the USA... so I really think having it on there will make my Defender stand out for the beauty she is... or almost is.
Erm, just chuck it on as long as you've got a proper mount for it...i walked all over the bonnet of mine and im a little heavier than a wheel.
Erm, just chuck it on as long as you've got a proper mount for it...i walked all over the bonnet of mine and im a little heavier than a wheel.

I got the proper bonnet mount from, (ahem):rolleyes: work and made up a reinforcing plate to spread the weight of the wheel on the bonnet (hood). The only time I have seen damaged caused to the bonnet was when some lazy buggers just let the bonnet slam back down. This will cause the bonnet to sag/bend in the centre:mad:
Be advised though to open the bonnet (hood) you will be lifting your spare wheel as well if you have upper body strength issues you may need to bear this in mind:D If you need any more info don't hesitate to ask/PM
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