1. RSM72

    Ya hey got me piccys done....

    Nice one BOB,,,,,
  2. RSM72

    you got yo have a look if you in to series landys

    Aeyoop fflumps on the prowl again,,,:eek::D
  3. RSM72


    Welcome to tae the Safari Park,,,,, Grrrrrrrr ,,,,, we got some reet animals in ear. Hope yi have fun and make suer tae give as good as yi'll get..;):) ello mon cherrie:)
  4. RSM72

    My 30th Birthday

    Nah lets all start telling him we will give him wot he wants then at the last moment tell him tae fook orf,,,,or we could always just stalk the fecker,and if he gets sus then,,,,,,2 landys(not hippos though) an some rope,,, tear the **** apart....:D:D:D
  5. RSM72

    My first proper Land Rover (my Disco doesnt count)

    Did yi get a tetnis fir that huge gash,,,:D O'h an nice pics btw we likes pics we do,,,;):)
  6. RSM72

    army surplus

    Whats this,BOB being friendly,,,,,helpful,,,,,concerning,,,,,Human,:eek::eek::eek: Whats up bob? a new course of pills???:D:D:D
  7. RSM72

    army surplus

    Ignore BOB,,,,he's just a bit disfunctional,,,,:rolleyes: :welcome2:Wot about army surplus,,,,,(an it better no be spam) O'h the fecker had spam did...
  8. RSM72

    New to site need help?

    Only advice a can give you ,,,is get rid o it before its to late,,,:eek::D:D Or just use these,,,,,,, :D:D:D O'h btw :welcome2:tae Landy Zone,,,;););)
  9. RSM72

    Child seats

    We've got a britax and the other one a dont know,,, but the main thing is they've both got tilt bases,,,,,which means they fit the angle of the seats nice and tight,,,,
  10. RSM72

    Safest way/place to store...

    Kinell fflump will have tae take a lone oot fir that,,,,:D or go back on the game,,,,;):D
  11. RSM72

    Got my new wheels :)

    :doh::doh::doh::doh:How many times,,,,,,IT'S NOT A FOOKIN TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!:doh::doh::doh::doh:
  12. RSM72


  13. RSM72


    Areet,,,, welcome to The Open University,,,,an the studying of wood work,,,,,:confused:
  14. RSM72


    Shogun,,, angon,,,, wot fred is this...:doh:
  15. RSM72

    Hello From The United States

    :Cry:NOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoo:mad: :darth_vader: :mil50: YouTube - Imperial March Manual (Hand Fart) :fighting2: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,But Pikeys Soooooo right,,,,,;):jaw:;)
  16. RSM72

    My 30th Birthday

    A would if a were you......:doh:
  17. RSM72

    Newbie from Coventry

    :welcome2:tae the Nut Hoose Lee,,,,,,,,hope yir gorra thick skin an a good sence of humour.....:):):)
  18. RSM72

    My 30th Birthday

    Errrrrr thanks fir the offer Ratty but a think i'll pass,,,,,,,,;):D (ps where ya going) :D:D:D
  19. RSM72

    My 30th Birthday

    Thats a long trip that is,,,,,,,,best take some sort of cream fir the blisters tae his hands,,,:eek::eek::eek:
  20. RSM72

    My 30th Birthday

    Still cant get ma heed around why he wants tae day the journey with all three of them in the front,,,,all squashed up together,,,,all touching each other,,,,feelling the heat of each other,,,,:confused2:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wait a minute...