randy vegas

New Member
I've just got a 93 Discovery as a toy and the forward facing maxi cosi child seat does not fit in the back very secure. It fit's fine in the L200 family car. Anyone found a make/model that fits please.
We've got a britax and the other one a dont know,,, but the main thing is they've both got tilt bases,,,,,which means they fit the angle of the seats nice and tight,,,,
mothercare we found is good! they will advise you and fit it for you!
when we picked ours for the disco and the range rover (1 in each) we made them try several,at the end of the day you want the best security for the little ones ;)

We have suffered this problem, and the only one that is reccomended and classed as safe is the Britax renaissance, Landrover will charge about 200 for the pleasure, but surf the web, you can find it loads cheaper.


mothercare didn't want to help as they were going to shut in an hour.... ended up at halfords and they made our maxi cosi fit. the manager even gave it a second opinion.

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