1. Rustystuff

    Hi from Cambridge

    Time is something you need for doing up one of these.... that I can vouch for ! If you do find any where to lane this way of the world then let me now I might have a play... cheers.
  2. Rustystuff

    Hi from Cambridge

    Is true.... making more and more it seems.... if you find a half decent one and you don't mind spannering / grinding / welding ....then they can be quite cheep to run ! If you can't do any of the above then I shouldn't bother getting one :)
  3. Rustystuff

    Range Rover Classic brake booster unit.

    Need a replacement booster unit for my Range Rover 1992 with ABS. The closer to Cambridshire the better. Thanks The solenoids have gone in mine that control the boost to the callipers... been the garage for a week having it looked at and that was the mans conclusion. Any help greatly received.
  4. Rustystuff

    Hi from Cambridge

    Thanks.. Laneing is not something I do really, the old girl is my only ride so if I f# it up on a Sunday.... there's no work on Monday ! Have just finished replacing the front wings so it might stand up to some off roading now.
  5. Rustystuff

    Hi from Cambridge

    Yup.... Near Wisbech.... Welcome
  6. Rustystuff

    Soft dash restoration

    This is turning into quite a comprehensive rebuild ! Great stuff..... looking forward to seeing it finished.
  7. Rustystuff

    Soft dash restoration

    Subscribing to this one... great job so far ! If only I could pull mine of the road for this sort of treatment..... Looks like your in the right place to get the work done ! Great motors... every one worth saving. Good job keep it up.
  8. Rustystuff

    Spotlights on a Classic

    [/url][/IMG] I have Cebie Oscars on mine...
  9. Rustystuff

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Finally managed to fix the rear windows on me classic :) After many attempts to sort it I finally found the problem.... the relay circled in the pic had 3 dry joints, had looked for them before with no luck... took a magnifying glass to find them ! A few minutes with the soldering iron and...
  10. Rustystuff

    Whats the next job/task/repair to do on your Range Rover??

    Replace the self levelling unit on my classic with the new to me part that I have... once I've changed the ball joints on it that is ! Not looking forward to removing the old one :(
  11. Rustystuff

    Best bodges!

    Had to use a ratchet strap to hold the back axil on when the tie rod snapped !
  12. Rustystuff

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Thought about setting it on fire !! :mad::mad: After brake fiasco (still not 100%) the bloody steering is playing up ! Had some death wobble a while back so changed the damper... not long after, the steering started to tighten up... so it will track in a straight line ok but cornering takes...
  13. Rustystuff

    Chav Laning....

    Just have to say, these are some of the best pictures I've seen ! The series shots are truly brilliant ! Gush over.. :o
  14. Rustystuff

    Loose wheel !!

    I agree.. bolts that have been over torqued stretch before they fail, as said above. I suggest the two nuts on these studs were done up enough to hold the wheel, the others were loose. Resultant strain on the two studs snapped them off :eek: You were bloody mate ! scary **** !!
  15. Rustystuff

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Fitted new steering damper.... no more death wobble :)
  16. Rustystuff

    ABS brake question...

    Will be working with the aid of a pit... its for commercials so a bit on the shallow side, but better than crawling about on the floor :)
  17. Rustystuff

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Funny you should say that... I have got some bushes to fit as well ! Don't usually have a problem .. but today was a proper ****ter ! The jobs are just stacking up... brakes, heater resistor, steering damper..... bushes.... FFS :)
  18. Rustystuff

    Classic Heater blower issues...

    Had a drive in one many years ago, I did enjoy it.... but the it wasn't my petrol :D
  19. Rustystuff

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Panhard bushes were changed a few weeks ago.. did them in me vice ! I hope this little indiscretion today is not a sign of things to come !... and hope the fix is indeed simple ! It will be the first :D Cheers
  20. Rustystuff

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I think the old girl is starting to show her age ! I only hope I don't have the same trouble West Slope.