1. B

    Central locking problems

    hi steve changed both actuators today frome scapy 50 each prob gone good luck bernie
  2. B

    Central locking problems

    :frown: i got same with mine stiped locks still the same looks like new actuators
  3. B

    thats a shame will buy two front door atuators and other bits and bobs sorry to hear that :(

    thats a shame will buy two front door atuators and other bits and bobs sorry to hear that :(
  4. B

    :doh:u fixed car yet i got still no locking doors :(

    :doh:u fixed car yet i got still no locking doors :(
  5. B

    Power Inverters

    hi i use 300wat in 12volt in truck for tv digybox shaver etc
  6. B

    P38 HSE HEVAC ECU wanted

    got one no bulbs but works what u give me
  7. B

    h/matrix o-ring,foooking ducting removal

    yes duck tape done mine:)
  8. B

    Powerbox. Rimmer or PSI?

    thers one on here on yesterday
  9. B

    elo spark how r u

    elo spark how r u
  10. B


    thanks lads ok tpt p38
  11. B

    how hot does your 2.5 run?newbie owner

    my runs 12oc normal
  12. B

    P38 Issues

    hi m8 put location in
  13. B

    Reaplcing P38 Front Radius Arm Bushes Help please

    phone and ask for stuart 01909486741 worksop hes done loads for me
  14. B

    help with suspension!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how long for eas ha ha!!!!!:welcome2:
  15. B

    help with suspension!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    brampton..when engine a prob send him round..
  16. B

    help with suspension!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sure is..will i be ok to drive over do you think..drove from lincoln on sunday..bumpy as hell..bernie
  17. B

    help with suspension!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hi..checked eas pump..ok..on bump stops..is there anyone near Chesterfield got any soft ware to check for faults.. thanks bernie
  18. B


    hi all.. :D