
New Member
Just thought I would put this out there.....
Does anyone use one of those power inverters to power laptops etc on the go? I am looking for one just wanted a know if there is anything I should look out for when buying one?
Soft start inverters do not like power factor correction power supplies-ie laptop power supplies can cause issues.
(normally the power brick has 100v-230v rating on it rather than 230v)

I have a 15-19.5 volt adjustable notebook power supply that plugs straight into cigarette lighter-you would be better doing it that way
I agree with fanatic - if you want to go for an inverter it will cost a lot to get one that gives a clean supply I use them not in the car tho so if I was you would do as fanatic suggests
Soft start inverters do not like power factor correction power supplies-ie laptop power supplies can cause issues.
(normally the power brick has 100v-230v rating on it rather than 230v)

I have a 15-19.5 volt adjustable notebook power supply that plugs straight into cigarette lighter-you would be better doing it that way

fookinel fanatic yer a redneck gene arse :D:D although stormm think yer a moron :doh::doh::doh:
i use a 300 watt one when i use the cam corder , when off roading dont understand wot all the fuss is about works fine ,
Laptops use switch mode power supplies. This means the 240Vac input is first rectified to DC and then chopped up again to make AC. The same goes for the inverters. The power supplies are quite tolerant of voltage variations as you'll see if you look on the back of most of them - they'll work on anything between 110Vac to 240Vac and any frequency between 50 and 60Hz. It makes them universal for any country. Running from an inverter is no problem to them.
Laptops use switch mode power supplies. This means the 240Vac input is first rectified to DC and then chopped up again to make AC. The same goes for the inverters. The power supplies are quite tolerant of voltage variations as you'll see if you look on the back of most of them - they'll work on anything between 110Vac to 240Vac and any frequency between 50 and 60Hz. It makes them universal for any country. Running from an inverter is no problem to them.

Specifically Do not by a Black and Decker branded inverter-these have issues with the above power supplies-Friend works in Factors and loads come back.
Test with something other than notebook power supply=okay.
Best trying before you buy.

I use a 160w to recharge laptop, cellphones, shaver and lots of other stuff when traveling. No problems so far. Only once did it overheat when temp was 45 in the shade and running laptop plus charging 2 cellphones.
thanks for the heads up on this, I have read somewhere there is sometimes a humming noise when being used either radio buzzing or fan on the inverter ( do all inverters have fans?) do you guys have this problem? or have you just not noticed it?
My rangey sounds like a dragon on the inside anyway, so sound may not be an issue. just a thought.
I've got a Maplins laptop charger. doe 15 to 30v and runs my laptop all day with hardly any loss of battery life in the motor

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