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    Series 3 ignition housing

    Thank you ever so much Steve. Fingers crossed
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    Series 3 ignition housing

    Would anyone have a manual the shows part numbers please? I have a 1975 series III, 2.25 diesel that I have to change the ignition key barrel. The housing has the pull stop attached and it seems this is the version that doesn't have the pin hole to release the lock barrel. I want to try and...
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    V8 back on the road - at last. Just really a huge thank you to all of you that tried to help me sort my V8 when it wouldn't start. I don't believe I would ever have sorted it totally on my own and had to get a garage involved who still struggled to sort it. It appears it had a few faults...
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Yes he maybe should know but he doesn't which is why I asked for advice on here. No power to coil, fuel pump no longer priming when ignition switched on although was at start of the problem and no obvious spark anywhere
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Yes I agree but can't track down the fault
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Yes tried as in mechanic with multi metre
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    When last tried I believe no power to the coil.
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    No. I was told to take king lead off distributor and hold near to the block to test spark from there
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Today was only the king lead into the block but been tested on plugs by two RAC guys and the mechanic before today
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Typical of my car! Yes checked again today for spark as was hoping that new amp may have solved it but it hasn't
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Got a Rave download manual, electrical troubleshooting etc etc. Trouble is vehicle is confused changeover model. 1999 T reg Discovery 1. Not sure if originally T reg as was on private plates for a while but is def a D1. Going back to my Series 3 it's easier!!!
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    You make it sound so easy, wish I was as confident!!!
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    As far as I can tell immobiliser is deactivated and starter motor turns. At moment mechanic can't get back for a few days and I don't have testing gear to do it on my own (or the knowledge)
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Hi everyone. I'm not getting anywhere as it keeps throwing up new problems i.e. now fuel pump not working when ignition turned on. Does anyone know of a mobile Discovery mechanic near Holmes Chapel, Cheshire - know to experienced person this will probably be so obvious but I can't track down...
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Hi there. Thanks for all that. Think I know answers but as new amp put on after all the tests i need to double check and can't do that before tomorrow as on my own today so can't turn key and check. Will update asap
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    Long shots do work at times so not discounting this one but can't check at moment as the battery is on charge. Will let you know later. Thanks
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    I definitely have not checked them yet as I was thinking the spark was the issue. Have to investigate which ones they are, found loads so far but not yet sure which is which
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    The spark is a problem definitely but I have no idea why there is no spark! Timing and compression are ok far as I know as running ok when last stopped - deliberate stop not stalled
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    true to form my darling vehicle has changed the goal posts. When RAC checked it when I originally had problems about 20 days ago it had fuel to the rail, just tried it now and nothing there. Plugs are also dry. Petrol and LPG in tanks
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    Disco 1 Another V8 won't start

    thank you. You have confirmed for me it should start on petrol anyway. Fuse checked but next is change fuse holder as it's an old one