1. Ashoofack

    Doing it in the UK....!?

    I'm not sure how good it is for greenlaning but Torridon is about as isolated as you'll get anywhere and the mountains are spectacular. The good lady and I did a tour around Scotland in a standard car a few years ago and the isolation and lack of trafic was tremendous. Given that there is...
  2. Ashoofack

    one step beyond

    anything that's prepared to marry Ming could never be described as a 'common' thing. Chav with no sense? Maybe. But there's certainly not a lot of them about.
  3. Ashoofack

    s2a project

    have to say it does look very good and the spec is sweet. I just wish I had the space to carry out that type of work.
  4. Ashoofack

    Will Defender front doors fit a SIII?

    Would it not be cheaper to just renew the door tops? They don't cost much unglazed.
  5. Ashoofack

    what your name looks like in russian

    I'll second that
  6. Ashoofack

    now this is what you call deep!

    It has been a while but it's still good for giggle or two.
  7. Ashoofack

    Doing it in the UK....!?

    James, Try the N of Scotland always quite and far enough from anywhere to ensure that if you do have a problem you will have to sort it out on your own; just as you will on a real overland trip.
  8. Ashoofack

    Waxoyling time again.

    Wesley, Where do you get the wax stuff from? Do you manage to coat the inside of the chassis? If so how? What about anyone else? Q's Q's Q's always too many Q's Cheers Dave
  9. Ashoofack

    2a 2.25 carb?? Help

    the word 'and' seems to connect them all quite well in the sentence you used ;)
  10. Ashoofack

    s2a project

    Come JA where's the pics. Its a 1968 S2A 2.25 petrol 88" - don't you mean the donor vehicle was a ...... ;)
  11. Ashoofack

    Hub seals and bearings

    Yeah I know, I was trying to be sarcastic about the bearings. To be fair I think it's more of a slow seepage on two of the hubs. She's been on a roller brake tester in the last two weeks (passed with no probs) and I've had the drums off and there is no oil contamination and there is nothing...
  12. Ashoofack

    Hub seals and bearings

    now it's likely I'm talking out of my arse but if the hub seal is leaking then won't the oil be thrown into the bearing as the hub spins?
  13. Ashoofack

    Suspension Renewal

    Oh and I forgot to add: Feck me what a difference good new springs make. I'd be interested to drive a parabolicly (?) sprung landie to compare it with one on good leafs. I'm not convinced the difference would be that great.
  14. Ashoofack

    Hub seals and bearings

    Cheers guys. I've ordered complete sets for all four hubs. The good news is that at least at the moment I know that there is oil in the axles and that the bearings are being lubricated.
  15. Ashoofack

    Hub seals and bearings

    As part of the ever lengthening list of jobs that need doing the next is to replace all the hub bearings and seals on my SIII 88" (all four are leaking now :mad: ). All the parts are on their way from Paddocks and I should have them sometime in the next week. So in preperation has anyone got...
  16. Ashoofack

    Suspension Renewal

    OK I think it's time for an update: I finally got round to changing the rear springs last thursday evening/friday morning. Christ what a mare! When I had the vehicle inspected (RAC) prior to buying it they said that the original springs were still on it. Now while I wasn't sure when I did...
  17. Ashoofack

    one step beyond

    Fraid not Slob. I'm sure you know that matter can be neither created or destroyed But your sentiment is bang on. Let's kill him, turn him into compost, then feed him to the trees and they in turn will produce O2. Wonderfull :D
  18. Ashoofack

    one step beyond

    Sorry Yella but I do feckin care! That **** burkster is stealing perfectly good oxygen that could be put to good use running my Series. The man is an oxygen thief of the first order.
  19. Ashoofack

    disk brakes on series 3 ??

    Mark, It sounds to me like you're really after a 90 ;)
  20. Ashoofack

    new to series landies red and yellow levers

    Have to agree with Wesley regarding the fuel thingy, although I am convinced that mine runs quieter with the hubs disengaged. That said mine too are always engaged now. I was running around N Germany at Christmas and the fisrt time I really needed 4x4 i had to get out and engage the bloody...