1. R

    Early series wheels?

    Unless you own a Series One and want your wheels to be correct for the age of the vehicle . Is there any life left in the tyres ? Because I think 6.00 x16s are quite sought after . But I could be wrong .
  2. R

    Series 1 series heaters in series or parallel

    So change the engine for a petrol one , paint it green , put a Series One grill on it and bash the wings flat . It'll be cheaper in the long run !
  3. R

    Series 1 Checking originality of Series 1s

    First you need to find out which models they are , 80" , 86" or 88" . Ironically , the shorter they are the more valuable they are . The easiest way to see which they is to count the number of rope tie down hooks there are on each side of the rear body . If there are two then it is an 80" , and...
  4. R

    Truck top

    All Series ? Even Series One ? Or don't they count ?
  5. R

    Series 1 Porn

    I wonder if he has sold it for £200,000 yet ?
  6. R

    Wheels and Tyres

    So does mine . But then it is supposed to ! Well , 7x16s actually , but they are hard to get hold of these days .
  7. R

    Series 1 Bargain!

    The noughts are in the right place , it is the decimal point that is in the wrong place . It needs to go two places to the left .
  8. R

    Series 1 restoration

    You could try going here , http://www.lrsoc.com/forum/index.php . Join the Forum , even the join the Series One club , and ask your questions there . There are quite a few knowledgable people on the Forum who will no doubt point you in the right direction . Most service parts are not that...
  9. R

    Series 1 Porn

  10. R

    Series 1 Porn

    My 107" doing what it was built for . Moving firewood , before and after going through the "change" .
  11. R

    series 1???

    When was the last time you enquired about a chassis from the Club ? Over the summer or after ? Am I right in thinking that you also frequent the LRSOC forum , I seem to remember seeing your name there ? If so I would have thought that you had been following this thread...
  12. R

    series 1???

    Is he giving it to you , or will you have to buy it off him? If you have to buy it then offer him a couple of grand . The two major expenses on restoring a Series One ( or any other Series Land Rover) are the bulkhead and chassis . If you have to replace them you will be looking at £1600...
  13. R

    Series 3 Stupid handbrake lever

    I have Series II/III handbrakes in both of my Series Is . Much easier to use than the Series 1 hand brakes , and I don't bang my knees on either of them . I don't see why you couldn't fit an earlier handbrake into your Series III , as it works the other way around .
  14. R

    series show this weekend

    That sounds like Harold McMillan . I drove there in my 107" trayback . It only took 2 1/2 hours , at 40 mph . Next year I shall trailer it to Sussex , unless it has been re-engined by then . I couldn't cope with the 5 hour+ journey .
  15. R

    will 235/85 tyres fit in series1 arches?

    I have uploaded a few photos over on the lrsoc Forum . I hope they are of some use .
  16. R

    will 235/85 tyres fit in series1 arches?

    Did you still want some photos ? I had a close look at mine this morning , and the wheels don't stick out passed the wings , so you wouldn't need to worry about having your collar felt . Can't help you about the turning circle as mine has a later axle and steering box and turns nicely .
  17. R

    will 235/85 tyres fit in series1 arches?

    Hi Toby , I saw that you asked this question over on the lrsoc forum and didn't get any replies . I do have some photos of my 86" with those sized tyres on , but they would not be of any use to you as they don't show the wheels in relation to the wings . I was going to take some more photos...
  18. R

    Shropshire Greelaning Video

    They should have towed it to the end of the lane and left it at Tranter's scrapyard .
  19. R

    Greenlaning etiquette???

    Quite frankly , if you intend laning on a regular basis you should be carrying a range of tools to help you get out of any trouble you might find yourself in . This would include some sort of tree pruning saw . In years gone by I used to be part of a small group of laners who opened up a...
  20. R


    The Aussies love cutting away the front wings on their Series Land Rovers , though I don't know why they do it .