
Well-Known Member
Don't want to scrap these if they're valuable/rare - came from an old trailer - if there are numbers where might I find them?
Someone will pay for them if you get them blasted and painted. I've got three and am going to use one as a space saver on a Defender. If we can start a trend who knows what they'll be worth?
I've refurbished my S3 wheels, they look the same as those. I never came across a number. Turboman suggested in my puncture post you can get new for £40.00. Got to be worth £20.00 plus at least. They'll clean up nicely. Important to get the inside totally free of even surface rust, otherwise it can cause punctures.
You might find part numbers between the lug holes on the front face

Best thing to do is to get the tyres removed. If they survive that - measure the width of the rim. Generally speaking: The wider the more desirable...
You might find part numbers between the lug holes on the front face

Generally speaking: The wider the more desirable...

Unless you own a Series One and want your wheels to be correct for the age of the vehicle . Is there any life left in the tyres ? Because I think 6.00 x16s are quite sought after . But I could be wrong .
Thanks for replies and apologies for 3 copies of same photo............................. tyres are all a bit rotten/cracked so fine for a trailer or display but not road use................. will get them blasted, A
Unless you own a Series One and want your wheels to be correct for the age of the vehicle . Is there any life left in the tyres ? Because I think 6.00 x16s are quite sought after . But I could be wrong .
Some of us series 2 owners are getting picky about correct wheels too (don't cha know)!

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