1. R

    Which is the best tyre

    Am I right in thinking that wider tyres affect the turning circle ? They certainly did when I tried putting some on my Series One 107" . I now have XZLs with wheel spacers and the turning circle is much better .
  2. R

    Series 1 Early car needing much TLC

    It is an 80" with various clues suggesting roughly which year it was made . However , as is often the case there is no guarantee that it hasn't had parts from other Land Rovers put onto it over the years . The best way to find out how old it is to find the chassis number and check it against the...
  3. R

    Series 1 86" 1955

    If the hard top came off a 1953 series one then presumably it is an 80" . As yours is an 86" there should be 6" difference in the length of the sides as the extra length was added to the load bed . Therefore if it is an 80" hardtop it won't fit your 86" . Hard tops were available for the...
  4. R

    107 tilt

    Quite possibly , I wouldn't know for sure . The best way to find out would be to contact him , though he can be a bit elusive at times , depending what he is doing and which country he is in .
  5. R

    107 tilt

    There are three main sources for hoods and sticks for 107" pickups , as already mentioned Exmoor Trim do them http://www.exmoortrim.co.uk/107-front-or-rear-hoop.html. In addition you can get them from All Wheel Trim http://www.allwheeltrim.co.uk/series-1.html#Series-1 . However , I would...
  6. R

    Deestone 7.50 x 16, any good?

    Not quite , more like these ... And certainly not at that price
  7. R

    Deestone 7.50 x 16, any good?

    I had some Deestones on my 107" Series One pickup and I hated them . As others have said , they are noisy on the road , think Stuka dive bomber noisy , and unlike others I did not think they were much cop off road . I have since changed to Michelin 7.50x16 XZLs , and have found them to be much...
  8. R

    Series 3 New tilt recommendations

    +1 recommendation for Undercover Covers . They can do anything you want in canvas , within reason , and most certainly do it in house . Last year I left my Series One 107" with them and they made a bespoke tilt for my non standard rear body . Phoning is definitely better than emailing . Be...
  9. R


    Well , if you need one to complete the set then you have pay current market prices . If you wait a year or two you might get one for less than they are going for now . It is quite possible that the bubble will burst , in this country , if the economy takes a downturn and the rich people who are...
  10. R


    Calm down , Dear , don't get your knickers in a twist , I didn't realise you such a Sensitive Susan . Maybe that is why you can't a bird , you're even more highly strung than they are ! Anyway , the tarts in question are the ones who drive them , not the one the drivers are after .
  11. R

    Daihatsu Taft

    I was told that when they were around many farmers chopped their Land Rovers in for these , or similar , Japanese 4x4s as they were cheaper . However , when it was time to replace them they found that they were virtually worthless and the dealers they bought them from didn't want them back ...
  12. R


    Don't bother. Unless you particularly want one , and not just for completion of the set's reason . It is undoubtedly true that they can cost more to keep and maintain , purely because of the cost of spare parts and their availability , but they are no less practical than any of its successors ...
  13. R


    Alright then , I'll change what I said . You is talking mostly utter bollox. Because you haven't seen any Series Ones on the road doesn't mean they aren't there . Obviously there won't be that many being used everyday so seeing them regularly on the road ain't going to happen . As for them...
  14. R


    Utter bollocks . There are plenty of Series Ones being regularly used as they were intended . My 107" trayback is regularly used for hauling stuff at home and work . That is what I built it for . Obviously , it is more useful than a short wheel base , which is why I am selling my 86". I also...
  15. R

    2.0 diesel air inlet hose

    I suggest you ask your question here http://www.lrsoc.com/forum/index.php. Around here most people own "modern" boingy rust buckets !
  16. R

    Arms not long enough

    Especially when there is a spare wheel mounted on them !
  17. R

    Series I chasiss

    I think you are somewhat out on the cost of a club chassis ( if they were available) . A price of £2,500-3,000 would be nearer the mark . You can barely get a new bulkhead for £1,800 .
  18. R

    Pageant blue truck - which canvas colour?

    I went with classic khaki from Undercover Covers for my 107" trayback . I didn't really consider sand , and definitely not blue . I am happy with how mine looks .
  19. R

    Series 3 Canvas Hood Replacement

    How far are you from Birmingham ? Just contact Undercover Covers and arrange to drop off your Land Rover there . They will make you one quite happily . You probably don't even need to drop it off , as they have more than likely got the measurements on file .They are used to making all sorts of...
  20. R

    Series 2 1965 series available now

    And it's tax exempt ? It would fail the points system of the DVLA if they had a look at it and would give it a "Q" plate . Why try and make a IIa look like a 110 ,why not just buy a 110 ? You are right , there aren't many like it from that year , which is just as well as it looks like an abortion .