1. the hooded claw

    thort i'd killed her

    Just like J the Range !!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  2. the hooded claw

    4.6 HSE over heating

    It Aint supposed to do that its over pressurising yer coolin system ..... I KNOW you don't want to admit it but ........ HG's GONE bye byes I'm afraid!!!
  3. the hooded claw

    Anyone heard from Tony (Wammers)

    Hes just dropped off the fookin Planet .... Come on now Own up ..who upset him THIS TIME THEN?????
  4. the hooded claw

    insurance, where to go?

    Depend on how old the car is ...I alway insure my cars "Classic" (As long as their over 10 years old its not illegal) I had a 4.6 HSE Rangie with me & mrs on the policy 7500 miles yearly (NCD don't count on "Classic" ins) Total cost £168 per year with AA at home & recovery thrown in fer good...
  5. the hooded claw

    Range Rover P38 MANUAL

    Git outta Town .................You aint looked very far then have yer !!!!
  6. the hooded claw

    Whats this? Coil Question.

    Quite the artist aren't we ..... Now can you draw a pic of J the Range wearing a GIMP SUIT please.... Seriously ..Yeah it IS a supressor just ignore it (Its probs well Fooked by now anyhow!!)
  7. the hooded claw

    Big End Gone 4.6 HSE P38

    Which reminds me Tiny of the time Paddy comes over to England to buy a car but only has 15 Quid ....He goes to several Car dealers who all tell him to **** off ....Eventually he goes to a small garage just outside Hollyhead The owner don't have owt that cheap but directs him to a farmer down the...
  8. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    Another interview this time fer Regional Mgr job .... Interview is at Haydock Park ...(Near J's house)
  9. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    Not til the Cam Belt is done ...You know me J ... I have a perminant BLACK CLOUD over me ****in head ...If it CAN go wrong it WILL go wrong fer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    Yer whistlin thru yer mrs's Beef Curtains again aint yer ...... NOW yer tell me you have the "Turn Off" kit............**** Weds Get yer arse up here tomoz or Tuesday & give it the once over can ya.... I gotta go fer that interview with Brit Gas on Weds Afternoon ...Wiv MY LUCK yer'll push the...
  11. the hooded claw

    Range Rover iPhone Bluetooth/cradle problems?

    Yer Can't Tony you can only UP grade not DOWN grade ... & Even if you could everytime you "Sinc it" to Itunes it'll try to UP grade back to OS4 ... Apple "Crippled" the Bluetooth functions usin OS4 to stop yer sending songs to yer mates ect .. there is a "Hack" to re enable it ... I'll ring a...
  12. the hooded claw

    laptop is ignoreing my faultmate

    Delete it & re-install it ....its running (Or Trying to) from the Memory Cache....
  13. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    Its DEFFO bin done once (Maybe Twice) coz all the cam cover clips are broke so some coooont has had it off!!! .... I rang Volvo (They did the last service at 125K) & asked em ..all I got was (POSH VOICE NOW) VOLVO Service guy..... "If it says in our service proceedure that it should be changed...
  14. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    Cheers JT TBH I am quite enjoyin drivin it ... (When it arrives back from GOD KNOWS WHERE shes taken it !!!) ... Noticed that the ABS/TRACS light "Flickers" abit ... Did some Diggin & found the ABS ECU suffers from "Dry Joints" so that bastid will be removed in the mornin & Re-Soldered ...
  15. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    NOW I KNOW who that little man is sitting on me shoulder whispering "SELL IT SELL IT" Its YOU Keith aint it !!!!!
  16. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    I did think bout that but as its "C70 XX" on a "C70" I'll probs get more fer it if I sell it wiv the car ....
  17. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    I think its bin "Tweeked" already Juicey ... **** ME does it go!!!!! THE VERY BEST THING is ...it has a built in Phone system (Volvo/Nokia) Speaker is built into the divers headrest & the Mic is on a "Gooseneck" from the side ...(Looks like a Mic from Capt Scarlets Hat) .... LOVE IT!!!!
  18. the hooded claw

    OK Its time to stop hiding I suppose

    FTAO Barmatt, J the Range, Wammers, Keith (Datatech) Jerseybean (Tony) & all the others YES I gone & bought an OVLOV!!!!! I looked & looked fer a (Half Decent) Rangie in my limited price bracket but to no avail ....What was available needed work doin & I had a Strict timeframe to work...
  19. the hooded claw

    select neutral wrong ecu

    Whats the state of yer Battery ??? ... (No it aint a daft question!!) The VERY FIRST thing that pops up on a P38 with a "Failing" Battery is a whole raft of ODD gearbox messages ... Before you start rippin things apart just get yer Battery tested (Both Static & Load) ..
  20. the hooded claw

    Please help to diagnose my "transmission" noise

    Diff Noise ..or Front Prop