1. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Ha! Snap! I found that with my new seat risers, I couldn't see to the right of the Landy because the newly fitted wind deflector was right in my eyeline .... so I've Dremmeled away most of the top part. It looks neat and is still better than no deflector at all. It's a pain being a (very)...
  2. shedchief

    How to get it over 70...

    Remember that if you have already fitted large wheels/tyres then the indicated mph could possibly be a bit pessimistic. At an indicated 70mph, my TD5 is actually doing about 75mph according to repeated GPS checks). Does this make you feel better? :o
  3. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Home cinema? (Even I don't know why I wrote that ...)
  4. shedchief

    Ongoing work

    Bloody hell, you don't hang about do yah! Looks good. How long did the paint job take?
  5. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    You're screwin' wiv me now ... :rolleyes:
  6. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Hey, just let me bask in the afterglow of my technical achievements - as rare as they are - and don't spoil the moment! ;) I wield a mean screwdriver, me!
  7. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    ... so, today's 'project' had to be one with minimal chance of going wrong. I decided to replace the rusty screws on the wing-tops vents with a stainless variety - about a fiver from Defender Bits (incl P&P). Even I couldn't get that wrong! :D
  8. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Well, it's like this ... The instructions from the suppliers (not Paddocks, but some Skovakian outfit via ebaY) included having to gently bend the deflectors "by about one and a half centimetres" in order to be able to locate both front and rear ends in the window channel. I estimate that at...
  9. shedchief

    Anone got a RAVE download?

    Me too. Egg sillunt! :D
  10. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Fitted a pair of wind deflectors to my Defender TD5 hardtop. I only shattered one of them .... :frusty:
  11. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Fitted an LED light in the rear cabin of the hardtop ... and four curry hooks. Now where's that take-away menu ....?
  12. shedchief

    TD5 rev counter

    If you'd be happy with a digital tacho, then Tiny Tacho Uk do one for diesels which sounds as if it's easy to fit (it merely counts the pulses on the fuel injector pipes its transponder is clamped to - clever, huh?). Tiny-Tach: Diesel Tachometers from ITCO
  13. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    I've just fitted the Mud UK seat risers (a doddle to fit) and I'm VERY impressed with the difference it's made to my comfort! I still have ample headroom but now seem to have a lot more legroom. Highly recommended! :)
  14. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Fitted some sound deadening (eDead) which definitely makes a difference even after just applying a couple of layers.
  15. shedchief

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Brilliant! Noted for future use .... ;) My sound-deadening (eDead) has arrived so I'll tackle that after I've walked the dog. Although I'm usually comfy enough in the TD5, I've just ordered some seat risers from Mud Uk which should improve things for me (I'm 6'7" tall). Another easy job, I...
  16. shedchief

    MOT Fail - but not as bad as I expected.

    Excellent! I'm looking forward to learning from you as you go, Clanforbes :) Good luck, mate! It could be fun!
  17. shedchief

    Searching for a Defender - heart versus head.

    Nice! Very nice! I like the wheels BTW. Striking! Enjoy!
  18. shedchief

    Defender a good first car?

    Wot he said! :D (...though, strangely, mine isn't so uncomfortable - actually, the seats are damned good, albeit 'simple' in design :) )
  19. shedchief

    MOT Fail - but not as bad as I expected.

    I hope you'll be sharing your progress with us on this forum, Clanforbes. Any accompanying pics will be gratefully received too, please, especially by mechanical numpties like yours truly ;) Good luck! You have a few hours' happy tinkering ahead of you, it would seem :D As for your new box...
  20. shedchief

    Rear View Camera in my rear view mirror

    I've just fitted a perfectly reasonable camera/monitor set-up to my Hardtop and it does the job nicely, though the screen could usefully be a bit larger I suppose. I got it from Chinavasion (Google it) and it cost me just .... £30 plus about £6 P&P and it arrived in less than a week all the way...