
New Member
I've recently bought a 300tdi manual 1996 , but it massivly lacks on power...

It's done 127k.. all seems ok and will quite happily get up to 65, but anything over this is a struggle and i find myself changing down a gear on slight inclines just to keep it at 70..

I've put an egr removal kit on the car, but this hasn't made any effect to the performance at all.

Car does seem to chug out some black smoke when on hills, so i've stuck in some injector cleaner to see if that assists.. I've noticed you can do a fuel pump mod - but i really don't want any more smoke out the back!

Does anyone have any other suggestions, or is that all i'm going to get out of it... and i'll just chug along to Le mans ....

Thanks in advance..

youve got to find the fault before doing performance mods ,black smoke would suggest not enough air inlet/intercooler.pipes allright? wastegate stuck open?
Remember that if you have already fitted large wheels/tyres then the indicated mph could possibly be a bit pessimistic.

At an indicated 70mph, my TD5 is actually doing about 75mph according to repeated GPS checks).

Does this make you feel better?

I've recently bought a 300tdi manual 1996 , but it massivly lacks on power...

It's done 127k.. all seems ok and will quite happily get up to 65, but anything over this is a struggle and i find myself changing down a gear on slight inclines just to keep it at 70..

I've put an egr removal kit on the car, but this hasn't made any effect to the performance at all.

Car does seem to chug out some black smoke when on hills, so i've stuck in some injector cleaner to see if that assists.. I've noticed you can do a fuel pump mod - but i really don't want any more smoke out the back!

Does anyone have any other suggestions, or is that all i'm going to get out of it... and i'll just chug along to Le mans ....

Thanks in advance..


if it still has the cat fitted,fit a decat pipe ~£20.00.This made a huge difference to my 300tdi-speeds in the 90's are possible,if you are brave enuf
Dropping down a gear to stay at 70? 70mph in 4th is mad! Must be revving the goolies off it!

At 70, you should be right on the power in 5th. Unless you've got a modification to your ratios. What size tyres have you got fitted?

I'd certainly not want to travel at 70 for any length of time in my 110, in reality I rarely exceed 60 unless overtaking. You'll also find your fuel consumption rises sharply above 55-60mph.
Thanks Chaps - I've been outside tonight and cleaned up the sedimentor as suggested in another post (was clean as a whistle inside) and whilst doing it i noted down the tyres and sizes..

Goodyear wrangler mt/r 225/75/16 - Not too sure if that would make much of a difference at all to the speedo reading? - I'll try and use a GPS in the car to get an indication of speed.

Checked the airfilter as well - and that looked brand new. So i'm still a little confused.

When i drop down a gear into 4th at 70mph i think it was reving somewher in the 3-3.5k region - so still doesn't seem too bad.

Just ordered a de-cat pipe as well to see if that helps at all..

Following the car i did notice some black smoke on inclines coming from the exhaust - I've put in some diesel cleaner but anything else i should look at doing?

thanks in advance from a novice Land Rover owner.. p.s. The wife's happy again as i've now de-greased the driveway..
It's nothing like a petrol car mind, all it's power comes in low down grunt. Having said that, mine will do 70 fairly easily! Maybe timing slightly out? That will have a big effect.
It's nothing like a petrol car mind, all it's power comes in low down grunt. Having said that, mine will do 70 fairly easily! Maybe timing slightly out? That will have a big effect.
Is that mph? if it is thats not much my diesel will do 80-85 all day and not breath hard. Speed limiter stops at 103:D
Yep - definatly black smoke.. Followed it in my westfield on Saturday on route to the track.

So maybe get the timing checked? a few people suggested doing a fuel pump mod, but i don't really fancy chugging out any more smoke - it's not a great deal at the moment mind you..
Is that mph? if it is thats not much my diesel will do 80-85 all day and not breath hard. Speed limiter stops at 103:D

Yeah it'll do 70 easy, but it's a landy not a BMW, I don't like to thrash it :p

Yep - definatly black smoke.. Followed it in my westfield on Saturday on route to the track.

So maybe get the timing checked? a few people suggested doing a fuel pump mod, but i don't really fancy chugging out any more smoke - it's not a great deal at the moment mind you..

Black smoke is unburnt it's either over-fuelling or you have an air flow issue. As you've checked the turbo pipes and filter, I'd be tempted to next check the timing.
Hi, I know it's a long shot, but when you did the EGR valve, did you clean out the manifold? It could be the crap in the manifold gettin burned off or restricting the airflow that's causing the black smoke. When I did my EGR, I got a ****load of black gunk out of the manifold, and for a few days it smoked a bit and then cleared up.

Other than that, I would also check all your flexi hoses for splits or perishing. Sounds like an airflow problem to me.
I'd second the inlet manifold, do a search there are loads of threads on it, loads of paraffin and make sure it's dry before refitting!
Made a world of difference to mine
Goodyear wrangler mt/r 225/75/16 - Not too sure if that would make much of a difference at all to the speedo reading?

Your tyre size shouldn't make much difference as the 225/75's have a diameter of 29.3 inches compared to the 29 inches of a standard 235/70, so your speedo should only be roughly 0.7 mile out at 60 mph
I put the defender front pipe on mine today and what a difference its made taking cat off. Goes well now and pulls great. Well worth the 20 quid from paddocks
Blowing out black smoke indicates overfuelling so I would suggest:

a) removing the compressor inlet hose from the turbocharger and checking the shaft for play (could be knackered).
b) check the wastegate actuator rod is connected to the exhaust housing, check that there is actually tension from the actuator spring (better still, fit a boost gauge to check how much you're making.
c) check the turbo to intercooler, intercooler to inlet piping for condition/ensure its securely clamped/not split etc etc.
d) worst case scenario is that prior to buying it someone has changed the timing belt and made a hash of it. You will need someone who knows what they are doing/looking at to check the belt in relation to the timing marks.

if your lift pump has a filter in the top check that as any muck from the tank gets there before the fuel filter reducing fuel quantity
forget that if its black smoke it's getting fuel
I noticed that after removing the cat mine kicks out some black smoke, goes well so can't be anything wrong. I am running 50/50 veg oil mix though. Maybe more as I put 15 litres of oil in other day when red light was on. Never smoked before removing cat, I suspect the cat was blocked up with sut and **** from running veg oil, it was sluggish before removing cat

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