1. D

    diesel injector light

    Thanks I've managed to get it turned over and can see one that's like an oval and the rest are round
  2. D

    diesel injector light

    Just put a borescope in the hole for the cps. And can see all of the little round lugs apart from a mark where one once was :'(.......... I guess it's gearbox out time again. Don't suppose.you have any idea If this means new flywheel or Not?
  3. D

    diesel injector light

    No the 5mm Allen key
  4. D

    diesel injector light

    Guys I've changed the number 4 injector to no avail. I've got a horrible thought I've damaged one of the lugs on the flywheel when I had it off. As Ive just bad the crankshaft pos sensor out and it's bust.the nose off of it. When I rum it unplugged.I don't get.the misfire
  5. D

    diesel injector light

    Yea I will do mate. Thanks again for the help so far
  6. D


    Hi guys just wanted to introduce myself as I'm here seeking advice. I'm from northampton and have just bought my first p38. Despite a few troubles I love the truck. I'm 23 and work as an agricultural engineer. So know a bit about spanners ( or so i thought).
  7. D

    diesel injector light

    So that's a new fuel pump I take it. Or is there any way I can do anything with it it. Just really odd why It's started after I changed the fuel filter and clutch!!!!!! It runs perfectly under 2200 and after 3000. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.
  8. D

    diesel injector light

    I've found a set of second hand injectors that have come from a runner so going to change number 4 tonight. Fingers crossed
  9. D

    diesel injector light

    I'll see if I can track some down. Thanks for your help I'll keepbyou posted on the outcome
  10. D

    diesel injector light

    And yes it just cuts out then ignition on and off and alls fine again
  11. D

    diesel injector light

    It isn't mine but the garage next door to where I work are using a snap on scanner
  12. D

    diesel injector light

    Ah ok I might just bite the bullet and order one. Is it changeable without any special tools? I forgot to mention it does occasionally stall when its booted hard past 3000
  13. D

    diesel injector light

    Is there any sure fire way to diagnose this. Im not getting the level needle code or what ever is associated with it
  14. D

    diesel injector light

    Yes I've looked into that. I unplugged it and tried to run it as I thought It may default or something???? It just wouldn't start then when I plugged it back in it still wouldn't start untill I gave it a shot of easystart then its fine. Plenty of power all up untill 2200. Baffles me
  15. D

    diesel injector light

    Hi guys. I'm new to the forum and new to range rovers. I bought a p reg p38 diesel 2.5 for towing a trailer. I knew the clutch wasn't great (high) so changed it at the weekend. At the same time I gave it a service. I then test drove it and immediately noticed the injector light flashing on and...