1. Frostycab

    Strange idle issue.

    Yeah, know where your coming from mate. I do prefer to try and diagnose the actual fault rather then play parts shotgun and throw money at the thing its just the issue of getting it somewhere with diag at the moment. I'll have to try and pull in some favours!
  2. Frostycab

    Strange idle issue.

    Thanks Wammers, do you know if there's a limp home mode / default setting with this unplugged as a way to diagnose it? Or is it more likely to just not play ball! Need to go dig my copy of rave off the shelf... Guy I know with diagnostics is going to be tricky to get hold of for a while and...
  3. Frostycab

    Strange idle issue.

    Hi Guys, got some range rover bother but since when was that something new?! My 96 P38 DSE has developed an odd idling issue that has got me scratching my head and needing some advice. Trying to get the thing ready for its MOT as its been off the road a short while and the list is getting...
  4. Frostycab

    Unplugged alarm help

    Hi guys, got a question regarding the alarm system on my range rover. Its a 96 diesel p38 DSE. When I bought it, the previous owner informed me he had disabled the alarm as it had locked his missus out of the car. The siren under the bonnet is unplugged and the key fob doesn't do anything...
  5. Frostycab

    fitting after market radio to p38 ???

    Right guys, little update. Build a board with 4 Ray Ambler attenuators... Christ! what a difference! Clear as a bell with no hiss. Not bad for about a £5 from RS Only issue is the subwoofer, I've had to bridge it off one of the rear hi level feeds. If I connect it from an RCA like has been...
  6. Frostycab

    fitting after market radio to p38 ???

    Cheers Pete, The RCA phono plugs are built directly into the Alpine unit that I'm using so I won't be able to check that easily... but in all honesty the hiss is only there at very low volumes so I can just crank it up a bit lol! Sorting my butchered speakers just now though which might explain...
  7. Frostycab

    fitting after market radio to p38 ???

    Right, all done as instructed and it works! Had to swap a few wires about for the power ISO but nothing to loose sleep over but... there is a hiss in the background. All RCA leads have possitive to positive and sheilding and negative to negative but still the hiss persists! Any ideas where to...
  8. Frostycab

    fitting after market radio to p38 ???

    Been looking into this recently, If you knock up the rangerovers.net adaptors, surely that only sorts the issue for the door speakers. How are folk powering the subwoofer in the boot?
  9. Frostycab

    Nice Looking Car

    Not that it matters now as the listings ended but that look s like halfords ready made screen wash? Could be wrong though...
  10. Frostycab

    Need some advice on my oil pump...

    Right guys, been plodding along puting my 95 v8 4.0 gems out of my range rover back toghether after the head gasket went and hit a little stumbling point. So far I've had the heads skimed and partially rebuilt, new cam, tappets and timing gear. Decided I'd better check the state of my oil...
  11. Frostycab

    P38 Conversion Upgrade to L322 front & Rear

    Good grief... :rolleyes: All it needs are some nice limo tints and a "banging" sound system and you'd be king of the council estate! Got to agree with folks here, seems making your P38 look cheap is bloody expensive!
  12. Frostycab

    water in bore after lay up???

    Update time! Found my leak... :rolleyes: The windscreen jet is loose and the rain and wind have forced it under and into the only bore directly below. The coke worked a treat if anyones wondering!
  13. Frostycab

    water in bore after lay up???

    Difficult to tell, mopped it up in a panic! Looked like fresh water to me at first glance, the coolant is fairly new after replacing the water pump after the seal failed so is a nice red... but hard to tell red from rust! :( Need to go and smell the rag and see if it smells of coolant... hope...
  14. Frostycab

    Does anyone use their P38 Offroad

    True... we used L200s, Outlanders, Nivaras and Hiluxs All our trucks get the most unbearable abuse and beating you could imagine! 3 years of pot holed dirt tracks and driven with the enthusiasm specially reserved for other peoples property! Our L200 is 2 1/2 years old, totally trashed...
  15. Frostycab

    water in bore after lay up???

    Can't believe I didn't think of it... I used a large tub of cheap arse asda cola as a dip for degreasing nuts, bolts etc for my vw rebuild I'm doing... leave them in overnight and bingo, spotless parts! Cheap vinigar works good but not as good as the coke. as I said, bloody genius! Cheers fella
  16. Frostycab

    Does anyone use their P38 Offroad

    We go off road with our P38 all the time (well, when its was last running!) It frankly astounds me what it'll do! We towed a horse box and two horses to their winter paddock through a foot of cow slurry... 2 foot of snow... up a steep hill... on 18" rims and road tires! When it snows at work...
  17. Frostycab

    water in bore after lay up???

    Bloody genius! :D I'll give that a crack. I've soaked out the water with some soft rags and sprayed it with some water displacer and stuffed some more rags in to soak up anymore rogue water. Time for some coke to clean it up... maybe with some ice and a slice of lemon :rolleyes:
  18. Frostycab

    water in bore after lay up???

    Right guys, got an issue! Firstly. Its a 1995 P38 4.0 petrol with 78k The range rover is off the road just now while I have the heads skimmed/checked after a knackered head gasket (2" hole in it!) and getting a new cam and lifters sorted out. Its sat with the heads off for around 2 months now...
  19. Frostycab

    Do I need a new Cam / Tappets?

    Thanks Griffman, look like the Missus is going to be upset then... time to lay on the charm!
  20. Frostycab

    Do I need a new Cam / Tappets?

    Hi Guys, needing to tap into some V8 Knowledge. First V8 so bear with me for the daft questions! Have been changing the head gaskets on my 4.0 v8 (1995 range rover P38, 76000 miles) and noticed that the tappets are ever so slight domed, what is an exceptable amount of wear on these? the dome is...