1. instantsquid

    Wet Knee Syndrome

    Now that is very interesting. Never thought it was coming in there. I'll have a look at mine at the weekend! Cheers for the heads up :)
  2. instantsquid

    What mileage is your Tratter on?

    Dash says just over 200,000. It was on it's second 19J when I bought it, but I dropped a 200tdi in last year - that's done 120,000 I think.
  3. instantsquid

    My 6th Lift Pump

    Pos - I'm racking my brains to think how - but is it possible that there's something else at play here that is damaging the lift pumps? One or two failures in a short space of time would be unlucky - but six! I just can't believe they've all been faulty.
  4. instantsquid

    NATO Paint Job Done.

    Good job. I really, really, really want to do mine. I just haven't had the time yet. Seeing all these decent roller paint jobs gives me mucho confidence to do it though!
  5. instantsquid


    The IR jobbies aren't expensive on fleabay. Handy thing to have in the cubby box.
  6. instantsquid


    Had a couple of those, yeah. But the first genuine one I got opened at about 60 degrees :(
  7. instantsquid


    Check it first with a pan of boiling water and a thermometer. I bought three new ones before I got one that opened when it was meant to!
  8. instantsquid

    Defender security

    Keep a fuggin' big dog in it.
  9. instantsquid

    Basingstoke Lanes 10 April 2011

    I'd be up for a gentle drive out again... :)
  10. instantsquid

    Removing power steering

    And that's bad is it?
  11. instantsquid

    Ongoing work

    New dampers and springs are on my "wish list" - can't really justify the expense at the moment though :(
  12. instantsquid


    That's what I felt like saying... but I kept my mouth shut as he hadn't written the ticket out yet. :rolleyes:
  13. instantsquid

    replacement seats for a 1984 90

    Exmoor Trim do retrim kits - I did mine last year. They're not cheap but they're good quality.
  14. instantsquid


    Rear damper bushes on the way out. Leak from rear hub end cap. Oil leak from engine!!!! The first two are on my "to do" list anyway.
  15. instantsquid


    Mine passed too :)
  16. instantsquid

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Got the Ninety through it's MOT (second time lucky)
  17. instantsquid

    N/S TRE - part number please!

    lol - that didn't occur to me! :doh: Yep - gonna have to look at the thread before I can order a replacement, I reckon. Ah well. Thanks for the help, James. :)
  18. instantsquid

    N/S TRE - part number please!

    Yes, I've searched! Google gives me the part numbers for both TREs - I even know what the part number for a RH thread and a LH thread is. What I can't find is which one goes at each end of the track rod! I replaced all three TREs a month or so ago. But in replacing my radius arm bushes I...
  19. instantsquid

    Ongoing work

    Is it bad enough to need a new outrigger? Or can it be patched?