1. turrican

    Another rear crank seal question...

    That's a good idea using the freezer, will definitely do the same with the replacement. I always thought the green stuff was needed to create a good seal all the way round instead of just keeping the seal in place.
  2. turrican

    Another rear crank seal question...

    With my 200tdi I have noticed that when I was driving the teflon seal into the flywheel housing it was very tight and parts of the green (teflon?) was coming off and sticking to the side. Is this normal?? In the end I bitched the seal as it was tight and i need a better driving tool.
  3. turrican

    Garage floor... to paint or not to paint

    I wish I painted mine, it's fecking annoying dropping a freshly greased part onto the floor which then requires cleaning and re-greasing because of all the concrete **** attached to it.
  4. turrican

    Fuel Tank Drain Plug

    Hopefully shouldn't need to drain it, do have a siphon available if needs must. On closer inspection it looks like the drain plug is actually touching the guard, worried now that with all bouncing and vibrations the plug will get damaged and cause a leak.
  5. turrican

    Fuel Tank Drain Plug

    As with all things new nothing lines up as it should, got new chassis, new fuel tank and new fuel tank guard. The problem is the drain plug hole on the fuel tank guard doesn't line up with the actual drain plug and prevents access, part of me thinks good, stop any thieving gits from nicking my...
  6. turrican

    Anyone bought a new defender chassis recently ?

    I recently got a Richard's chassis this year, it was a long lead time but I used this time to get everything sorted in preparation. No problems with it apart from lack of holes for brake line clips which I knew about beforehand.
  7. turrican

    Getting back on with my project again. Should I paint galv chassis. Opinions please?

    Here's mine, I first degreased, mordant and then painted by brush corroless all in one paint. I've still got some small areas to paint but these will be done when the front axle is on.
  8. turrican

    Getting back on with my project again. Should I paint galv chassis. Opinions please?

    I don't know why I had previously discounted mounting the loom on top. It does seem the best solution. Hopefully can find a way to secure it without drilling any holes.
  9. turrican

    Getting back on with my project again. Should I paint galv chassis. Opinions please?

    I'm doing my chassis internals at the end of my project as wax oil is a messy process and when painting the outside it needs to be grease\oil free, the chances of me keeping it clean after ive used wax oil is non-existent. i also didn't fancy feeding the wiring loom through the chassis when its...
  10. turrican

    90 300TDI Poor Brake Performance. Help needed. What can I Upgrade?

    If you're locking up on 51% could it be that your tyres are not very grippy. Are you running off-road tyres?
  11. turrican

    200tdi fuel tank rubber mounts

    Cheers, that's the bolt from a fuel tank mounting stainless kit from yrm.
  12. turrican

    200tdi fuel tank rubber mounts

    Bit of a silly question but I'm fitting a new side fuel tank (90 200tdi) and can't remember how the 2 front rubber mounts are used. Do they go either side of the tank or both go on top? The work shop manual pics aren't clear but they seem to suggest that both go on top. Attached pic for example.
  13. turrican

    Wobbly DashCam

    Does the camera have image stabilization? Optical is best but if it has digital stabilization there might be a setting for this in the menu.
  14. turrican

    200tdi Engine Stand Advice

    I would have liked to keep the crane as a safety backup but I need to use it .
  15. turrican

    200tdi Engine Stand Advice

    Engine is out and on the pallet. Used extra blocks of wood either side of the sump to spread the weight. Also wedged long bits of wood either side to prevent it from falling over. Seems pretty stable. Cheers for all your advice.
  16. turrican

    200tdi Engine Stand Advice

    Thanks for the advice. I wanted to keep the work to a minimum so I might just use a wooden pallet this time.
  17. turrican

    200tdi Engine Stand Advice

    So i've searched many threads regarding using an engine stand but most threads now have broken images. I've read that you can attach the engine to the stand using the holes where the bell housing studs are. So i can remove 4 studs like the one pointed to in the picture, they seem to have a...
  18. turrican

    For Sale Breaking Discovery 1

    Hi, is the rear axle available?
  19. turrican


    As the towbar height is adjustable could you move it higher and then adjust the support arms so they are also attached higher. You could then cut off the excess below?
  20. turrican

    Hi from Cambridge

    Yep I'm in St Ives, grey 90 van. Not done any green lanes but been to yarwell p&p.