1. A

    Third gear clonk

    Cul'd be A frame balljoint
  2. A

    NFU price increase!!!

    :Naah hes got the wheels removed
  3. A

    Water leak in footwells

    Good on ya burrito keep up the good work mate, if you sucseed you'll be in the G , B of records bear in mind that even the boys at Land Rover could'nt make them W. tight bless them...
  4. A

    What on Earth ...

    If you take your fuse cover of again try tuching each relay as you turn the key this way you may se/feel by tuch which one is clicking then folow the relevant wires, however i must confes it does sound like starter motor, in any case whip it out give it a clean up on it's conections and some...
  5. A

    Sluggish on hills

    Split/colapsed intercooler hoses? .Air in your fuel line?. Or how about simple as fuel filter full of crap, worth a change for starters ,Any type/colour of smoke from your exhaust?
  6. A

    Water leak in footwells

    After all this years enduring wife's cold feet in bed whats the problem with wet feet in our beloved landys?? come on lads..
  7. A

    How reliable/unreliable has your defender been?

    Mine has done two Camel trophy's it's a 92 200 tdi on it's third owner with 208k on it i look after it cos i love it and get emense plesure driveing it.PROBLEMS?? well water leaks in, some classic landy oil leaks, and the usuall needs/preventative little jobs a19 year old car needs. Option: you...
  8. A

    are td5 defenders really so slow ?

    Sounds like cluch slep if engine revs and road speed creeps up slower than usual thinks I even so i am a tdi man.
  9. A

    NEWBIE YANK - fuel mileage on TDI in a 90?

    Ill go along with what storm says ie a S11 with a tdi? maybe.All though i run a200 tdi and diesel fuel down here in Greece it's round 1.40 euros a lt imagine it being a3.9 v8:eek. Yhy not LPG it=you can get an american 110 3.9 have quiet and cheaper lpg motoring.Plus part aveilability of the...
  10. A

    stuck :(

    I shuld forget about the fueling problem just for now and take care of the oil leak in your timing cover hole.You don't want it f****n your T belt= disaster by reving your motor up trying to sort out your fuel prob.::Cry:
  11. A

    blowing fuses - can you help?

    My 200tdi 110 though not that it should make any diferance, had the same prob, turned out to be the wiring harness inside the RH chassis had rubed through and shortin in side the chasiss , as for the front sidelight i don't think it's on the same circuit
  12. A

    2001 Defender No indicators/hazards/alarm...

    Well guys if it's not to late try the folowing: disconect your wiring loom under your bonet thats the wires by your cluch cyl end folow them going in to the chassis you can then pull the wiring off through it's exit at the rear of the chassis and you will more than likely find wires have...
  13. A

    200Tdi Fan/Alternator Belt and Steering Pump Belt adjustment SNAG!!

    It might just help if you use hexagon socket if they not completly rounded, or how about sawing a slot on the head of each bolt and wack em with a inpact driver.
  14. A

    Tdi Highest mileage

    lLook after them as a soldier looks after it's rifle and the go on and on and on and then your kids will take over and the'll keep on runin. just look at some landys in africa
  15. A

    Timing belt squeak

    Good point jason must say never thought of that one, gues i can run the motor in the yard with the B puley off to see how it sounds means it does it all the time, on the other hand if it was that would the squeaking allmost go when the engine is warm? cos that's what it does..
  16. A

    best soundproofing/ insulation ideas? techniques?

    Sean is right plus you don't hear her in doors moaning to no other sound proofing will doit no mater how good
  17. A

    Timing belt squeak

    Thanks Sean i think il leave it alone and se how it sounds after a couple of days and about [160 km] thats two days to work and back. Aaron might be right ,se if it'll bed /setle in.
  18. A

    Timing belt squeak

    You may have e point there allthough i torqued the tensioner with a dial type T wrench and i never trust them to be frank .The question is do i leave it end hope it beds in by doing some miles? or take it apart.....
  19. A

    Defenders in accidents....

    The are safe as house if driven sensibly i gues that goes for most cars but on defenders put a roll cage on as they don't have the best reputation when roll'd
  20. A

    Timing belt squeak

    Dayco belt and britpart tensioner. had a good look see at the tensioner and looked ok as far as quality goes Dayco was the belt i used the first time i did it and to be honest it looked ok when i took it apart yesterday but i thought il change it to be on the safe side means it's done it's Miles