1. TheKeymeister

    Newbie from Rugby

    I remember you from Warwickshire modified days, you had a Fiesta Si and I bought one not long after lol. Funny enough I have a black 300tdi disco and a 1977 series 3 nowadays as well....oh and i'm also 22 and live in rugby
  2. TheKeymeister

    Finding car parks for fenders.

    Had the same trouble in blackpool, managed to get in the one at the back of the police station, one of the entrances doesn't have a barrier over it! Other than that, parked at the back of the football ground but it of a walk Could have paid off my mortgage though, the amount I spent on bloody...
  3. TheKeymeister

    big cardboard boxes

    I got a load off ebay for moving, not a bad price compared to ikea and storage type places... 25 Large Removal Packing Storage House Moving Double Walled Cardboard Boxes | eBay Advantage is, theyre a nice size to move easily, all the same size so easier to stack, and not full of ****e and...
  4. TheKeymeister

    Dodgy or what

    Land Rover Defender 90 Santorini Black Puma 2011 Unregistered 6000 Miles | eBay Thoughts? Hows it done 6000+ miles and sustained damage, and not been registered?
  5. TheKeymeister

    Braking rrc

    Any chance of buying just the diffs? How much?
  6. TheKeymeister

    What will it tow?

    Aren't series only rated for towing 1 ton? Apart from the 1-ton models and very late series 3s?
  7. TheKeymeister

    project wombraider

    Just read through this lot...nice one mate you've certainly cracked on and got on with it! Wish I had that determination....oh and wish I had a farm as well (but not in treacle town)
  8. TheKeymeister

    Rating of 250v momentary switch?

    I think its something to do with AC being an alternating sine wave (i.e. not always 'all' of the amplitude) and DC uses all of the amplitude all the time...but that could be a load of rubbish!
  9. TheKeymeister

    Rating of 250v momentary switch?

    Rear wiper draws quite a bit more than 3 amps anyway so I'd use a relay for that. It'll handle a relay coil (milliamps) easily
  10. TheKeymeister

    Rating of 250v momentary switch?

    AC fuses should be de-rated by 50% for DC (or so I was taught), I would apply the same for current carrying capacity. What are you planning to run off it? I'd run it through a relay as a matter of course if it's anything too big
  11. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    Think I've cracked it :D Bought a new Delphi lift pump and went to put it on today, dismantled the fuel pipe that had been bodged onto it, and found a little surprise wedged in the non return valve... [/IMG] That's a piece of the solid plastic fuel pipe, presumably from where it had been cut...
  12. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    Aye that's been in the back of my mind too...I'll keep checking it, and if it doesn't get better ill go and get a compression test
  13. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    Another update.... Did about 60 miles today, never once got hot, never once went all juddery, so something that I done must have helped! Only thing is it's developed an allergy to hills, goes slow as anything now, so gone back to suspecting the lift pump or fuel supply pipe. I doubt the non...
  14. TheKeymeister

    disgraceful insurance behaviour

    I think that list is out of date now, when I moved house in 2008 I moved within the same postcode area (i.e. only the second part changed) and my insurance went £85 cheaper...
  15. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    Had a poke and hope.... Stuck my head underneath and someone's already bypassed the sedimentor with a piece of pipe. Checked the fuel filter (replaced recently) and poured the contents into a bottle, seemed OK. Had a look at all the pipework, the injector spill pipes looked a little bit...
  16. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    Managed to get home, did it again on the way back for a good while, always seems to happen when going up hills so definitely suspecting sedimentor. Had no noise from gearbox this time. Just having something to eat then going to check everything and will report back...
  17. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    After an eventful journey to work I'm now pretty sure it's transmission related. Started up this morning and had a clicking/buzzing noise from the gearbox area, almost sounded like electrical sparking. Thought it was the carrier bag with my dinner in at first! Then on the hill going up the M69...
  18. TheKeymeister

    Breaking 300tdi Disco

    Sorry it didn't have remote locking I don't think! It has indeed - but I can't easily get to the vehicle at the moment (it's at my old work and my mate has to let me in now) - how desperately do you need it?
  19. TheKeymeister

    300tdi EDC - Overheating / Juddering

    Bit of an odd one, 1995 300tdi EDC Auto, ran fine for a good couple of thousand miles, within the past month it occasionally starts to run a bit **** and start holding back, usually seems to be when cruising, I'll be doing a steady 65 on the flat and it'll start slowing down and temperature...
  20. TheKeymeister

    Anyone lost this?

    That's what I'm going to do now, the other high probability now we think its not nicked is that it's broken somehow - so I'll offer help!