1. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    Appreciate the heads up! Be a result if mine ends up like yours lol
  2. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    Thank you. Is there a certain paint to use or any chassis paint? Lanoguard I checked their reviews and people seem to be happy with it.appreciate you helping me out.
  3. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    Hello @Anaconda if it’s ok I got another question for you….when I do get a Maer galvanized chassis, I brought some of the Lanoguard for the chassis that is no good, should I spray the inside of the new chassis? I was also going to cover the chassis with under seal as I have a large tub of the...
  4. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    Haha no worries. Wish I had seen this last year before I purchased the top hats would definitely got this floor. Appreciate you sending this to me.
  5. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    You done a very nice job that looks so neat underneath the floor. The 3 cross members are they bolted onto the chassis or onto the edge of the tub? I haven’t got any problems with the lip around my tub. What are the U slots for? Where them U slots are I have got the 2 triangle shaped seat belts...
  6. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    I’m not sure if the floor is original as I have taken all 3 top hats off and they have all been riveted on, I thought that was the way to go. I haven’t got the knowledge to weld them.
  7. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    Nice one for this. I wish I had the room to work on my truck but I have only a single garage. I have seen videos of rear tub removal but not many show replacing the floor.
  8. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    I have tried finding the floor you said about but no joy. Apologies first time I have had time to answer you.
  9. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    Afternoon sir, I have got the 3 top hats and the cross member supports to put on the rear tub floor, do I put the top hats onto the floor first before I put floor back onto the tub? I have got the countersunk rivets from YRM. I just got to get the nuts and bolts for the cross members. I’m also...
  10. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    Thank you much appreciated
  11. Trumar

    Series swb rear tub

    Can someone please tell me what size countersunk pop rivets I need for putting the 3 top hats on the underside of tub floor and the sides of the floor?
  12. Trumar

    Newbury 4x4 day

    Do you know the date for the Billing LR show in June please?
  13. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    No worries. lol seen as you have already done your series is there any Parts or Nuts n Bolts that I should replace before attaching onto the new chassis?
  14. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    Been checking over the front chassis and it has had quite a lot of welding mainly at the very front both sides of where the leaf springs attach to. So I have taken on board what you have been saying to me about a Maer chassis! Is the Maer the only one to go for for the 2k?
  15. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    That is what I have been doing for last 5yrs apart from replacing front wings and doors I have done everything else. I have done other posts on here about trouble I’m having with the electrics they have spanked me big time lol I just can’t get my head around them. But replacing the chassis now...
  16. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

  17. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    I do understand what you are saying to me it will take me most of this year to save the money. If that is my only hope then I will have to try.
  18. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    I haven’t tried welding yet! I know that the front has had some welding done in the past. There is no damage to front chassis though.
  19. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    I wish! I haven’t got the money. Is there no other way to sort my chassis?
  20. Trumar

    CHASSIS? 2

    Appreciate you showing me this. It’s out of my reach though wish I had the money as I would definitely jump on them.