1. mikescuba

    A few questions I am new to Land Rovers.

    You haven't mentioned what you will be using your Land Rover for. If its just a weekend fun thing then an older one will probably be fine. However from what I can see you might find yourself paying a bit of a premium for an older one in good condition. ( I'm not that well up on pricing) If you...
  2. mikescuba

    Reverse judder

    Is your diff lock light working? I had a problem with the diff lock being stuck and the warning light wasn't working. I have fixed the light. When I engaged diff lock I had to put it in normal and reverse to disengage the diff lock. After I put a tin of Molyslip in the problem seems to have...
  3. mikescuba

    Morocco Easter 2018

    Ken is recovering from a eye opp at the moment, he should get his new glasses next week. He said he will put a route together for us once he can see. I suggested down to Tantan then along the Plage Blanche, then inland and head back up. Or the other way round. I would like to make sure we do...
  4. mikescuba

    2.5 NA diesel engine and geerbox oil

    al2647 don't know if the pdf below maybe of some help to you.
  5. mikescuba

    2.5 NA diesel engine and geerbox oil

    EP 90 in the transfer box with a tin of Molyslip gearbox oil. I have no idea what's in the gearbox as I have never touch it. Looks like you've ruined my weekend, I will have to check it out.
  6. mikescuba

    2.5 NA diesel engine and geerbox oil

    I have been using 10/40 in my ex military Defender which has now done 165 thousand miles of hard work and is running very sweet. Doesn't require any oil between servicing.
  7. mikescuba

    Where did my gear oil go?

    I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question, I'm sure someone will be along soon who can advise you. Land Rovers do seem to have a habit of doing things like that, usually caused by leaks.What I have done as a bit of a safe guard is to add a tin of Molyslip to my gearbox, transfer box...
  8. mikescuba

    Morocco Easter 2018

    Hi Chris. I'm working on something along the lines of meeting up in Spain on Sunday 25th March 2018. Catching the ferry Monday 26th March and heading down to Tan Tan, then down along the Plage Blanche. Then going inland for the return. Ken said he would help us with a route nearer the time...
  9. mikescuba

    110 td5 loud bang now no drive

    Bearmach: https://bearmach.com/ or Paddocks:. http://www.paddockspares.com/parts-and-accessories/land-rover-defender/axle.html I find Bearmach are slightly more expensive but normally a better quality. When buying from Paddocks I normally try to avoid there items in the blue boxes ...
  10. mikescuba

    Newbie filter question (don't laugh)

    Hi welcome to the club. A picture would help to identify the type of filter you have. Just to make sure its not someone's botch up and to get the correct suggestions.
  11. mikescuba

    110 td5 loud bang now no drive

    Try engaging diff lock and see if then has drive. If so then you probably have a shaft gone.
  12. mikescuba

    Morocco Easter 2018

    We bought all our food in France where I live including loads of beers and wine. We over killed last time with the food and came back with some. The beers and wine didn't make it back. Eating out, camp sites and hotels in Morocco is not expensive. We stopped in hotels really just to have a hot...
  13. mikescuba

    Morocco Easter 2018

    Last time without the UK crossing bit we spent about £1700 between the two of us. That included some wild camping and stopping in some camp sites and hotels. I live in France but it was around a 19 hour drive to southern Spain where we all met up.
  14. mikescuba

    Morocco Easter 2018

    Oh, I have been in touch with Ken, he will work out a route to cover the Plage Blanch and some off roading stuff a bit further inland.
  15. mikescuba

    Morocco Easter 2018

    Hi Chris, regarding dates I'm open. Nothing set in concrete yet but thought would include the Easter period similar to last time.
  16. mikescuba

    Soundproofing and undersealing

    A couple of years back a group of us did a trip across Morocco, we all had CB's. 5 Vehicles to be precise. All the others had serious speaker boosters for there CB except me. Couldn't hear anything whilst I was driving. Especially when driving over the corrugated sand effect which could shake...
  17. mikescuba

    Soundproofing and undersealing

    +1. Took mine out as I couldn't hear anything.
  18. mikescuba

    Soundproofing and undersealing

    I wouldn't want mine too quiet. I love to hear the sound of my 200 tdi rattling away.
  19. mikescuba

    Rear Shock Absorber Replacement

    I would always change as a pair. If one has gone the other wont be far behind and you will have a better ride. If you have a 2" lift you can order shocks with a two inch lift.
  20. mikescuba

    Soundproofing and undersealing

    If I was in your position I wouldn't do anything to it till you have had it for a couple of months. Then you will have more of a feel as to what will suit you and what you intend on using it for. You might otherwise find your throwing your money away for nothing. If you intend on using it off...