1. dubbleRR

    2016 TDV6 Crankshaft Snapped

    And oil dilution from excess diesel ,due to a blocking DPF but thats another story :rolleyes:..
  2. dubbleRR

    2016 TDV6 Crankshaft Snapped

    The td v6 engine in all these motors ,are prone to the bottom end bearings turning in the big end caps ,n shutting off oil feed too the crank then it spins its shells and all goes wrong , It in my opinion the shells should have locating tabs on its shells .In that would stop them turning in...
  3. dubbleRR

    P38A Possible coolant in oil

    Only thing i can think ,,is diesel getting in through front pump seal ,n that might cause a small misfire on startup an a thin watery liquid in the sump ,possible maybe..
  4. dubbleRR

    P38A 12.5 volts and not enough to start engine.

    Is the car parked near a strong transmitter or wifi ,This can stop the car going to sleep and after a few days wont start ,,,could try disconnecting the blue wire on the receiver in the boot :eek:..
  5. dubbleRR

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Today ,well a couple of days ago i freed off a rear brake that was binding a bit /lack of use the wife says /any way iv noticed the mpg was getting poor 24 ish use to be 27 ,to 30,as it turns out after servicing all four 3 were sticking a bit ,went out today n its a flying machine ...So if you...
  6. dubbleRR

    Insurance range rover 2.5 diesel from 2001. I have inherited the range rover from my father, but the insurance premium is outrageous, cheapest £3,500c

    Saga for me to ,not the cheep est but had better cover than the others,,,£225 for me that will do nicely..im over 50 just,,,,:homer:
  7. dubbleRR

    P38A P38A 1996 4.6 Auto HSE EAS slow to lower and rise + random height change to extended height + compressor running too frequently.

    Have you checked the air dryer desiccant stuff,if it breaks up it can block the eas exhaust , if it cant get rid of air ,it will be slow to drop ... ;)
  8. dubbleRR

    P38A Rattle when in gear and foot on brake...(SOLVED)

    A loose bolt on an exhaust clamp :rolleyes: ...
  9. dubbleRR

    What’s this part in the middle?

    I push mine on with a socket........⭕👍
  10. dubbleRR

    P38A Rattle when in gear and foot on brake...(SOLVED)

    If that was not long ago ,id be checking all the gearbox bolts ,studs ,in case the box is falling out ..;)
  11. dubbleRR

    What’s this part in the middle?

    Aye got them on mine ,so must be original,,,I had to put new clip ,metal retainers ,cause mine had disintegrated long ago ...
  12. dubbleRR

    P38A Rattle when in gear and foot on brake...(SOLVED)

    If its from the bellhousing area it could be the flexi plate starting to go :eek:💩....
  13. dubbleRR

    P38A thermostatic control for fans

    well ok 95🥵 degrees its a wonder why bmw set the original sensor so high ,,, must be a reason 🧩.
  14. dubbleRR

    P38A thermostatic control for fans

    On the head on newer engines , there is an overheat switch that comes on about 110 degrees n brings on the aircon fans usually a bit 2 late Anyway if that could be changed to one about 100c it would save a lot of fafing about n would cool sooner ,just a thought.;)
  15. dubbleRR

    P38A Brake bleeding disaster

    Is the sphere good ,its not leaking a tiny bit of nitrogen into the system,just a thought..
  16. dubbleRR

    Happy Christmas to one and all.

    Merry Christmas to every one, hope yous all get something in your stockings ;) ...
  17. dubbleRR

    P38A Insurance prices getting silly

    Its a bit unfair ,In that p38 are prity hard to steal ,and modern stuffs easier ,but we are all being tared with the same brush....Mind you i had a Mitsubishi shogun 14 years ago an no one would touch it ,Till i got a certified immobilizer fitted and it was tamper proof ,funny looking back now...
  18. dubbleRR

    P38A Insurance prices getting silly

    Aye and bricks work as well, thats never affected insurance in the past ,its all a big con...its all .💩 :rolleyes:
  19. dubbleRR

    Help! Stop Oil Engine Press!

    cool; glad o that ..;)
  20. dubbleRR

    Help! Stop Oil Engine Press!

    The m 57 v6 /is that the one that breaks cranks :eek: :rolleyes: changing oil pressure could be shells turning on the bottom end ,hope im wrong :rolleyes:..