1. Frisol

    Series 2a Compliance Check and Warrant of Fittness

    Will do! I better give "Pete" a quick clean. Funnily enough, Pete was just in a photo shoot for a local clothing line here in NZ (and might be in a commercial as well). I had to trailer him there as he didn't have the WOF or Rego at the time. I'll share those photos as well when they are released.
  2. Frisol

    Series 2a Compliance Check and Warrant of Fittness

    Thanks to everyone that supported me through the processes of getting my Landy back on the road (legally). Today I collected the registration which completes the last step of getting "Pete" back on the road. I finally got through the compliance process last week after having to jump through...
  3. Frisol

    Series 2a - Vertical play in front wheels

    1965. I’ve just been reading about the conversation kits. Sounds like a must do.
  4. Frisol

    Series 2a - Vertical play in front wheels

    Hello again. Starting with normal disclaimer - I'm relatively new to this (although I'm an "expert" on gearboxes now). I took my Series 2a for a compliance check so I can get it re-registered and legally on the road. Most things checked out well, but they pinged me on play in the front wheels...
  5. Frisol

    Wheel stud pulled out

    I've had the same problem occur. Yarmite, how did your repair go?
  6. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox Rebuild Issues

    TLDR - All fixed, and all due to my stupidity. I have a healthy working gearbox. Thanks for your replies. I purchased the correct clutch plate, detached the bell housing and slid the box backwards far enough to install the new plate. Clutch problem fixed - surprising what happens when you...
  7. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox Rebuild Issues

    Hey everyone, This weekend I rallied the troops, and we attempted the installation of the gearbox into my Series 2a. Again, this is my first attempt at anything like this and your advice so far has been invaluable. The bad news part 1, the clutch - On depressing the clutch, the gearbox still...
  8. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox Rebuild - Front Output

    Success tonight. Everything appears to work as intended. Onwards to work on the clutch release mechanism, and then back into the Landy. Thanks again!
  9. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox Rebuild - Front Output

    Thanks for all the input. I'm heading down to the workshop to test the gears prior to panicking too much. One other piece of information that I think is important, and not clear in my original description Because I had the Bell Housing + Gear box + Transfer case in place prior to fitting the...
  10. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox Rebuild - Front Output

    Cool. I’ll report back!
  11. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox Rebuild - Front Output

    Hey everyone, a rather nervous question follows. First time I've restored a gearbox of any sort and as such learning through exploring and making mistakes. I have completed the rebuild of the main gearbox and the transfer case. I'm now working on the front output. I believe I've made a...
  12. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox - retaining compound, grease, and oil seal "compound"

    I found this in another manual relating to jointing compound. I'm happy and know what needs to happen now. Thanks!
  13. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox - retaining compound, grease, and oil seal "compound"

    Cool - I'm going to pop the bearing out again and add in some Loctite. It can't really hurt...right? Thinking through this a little more, the bearing is quite a lose fit in the casing (once past the lip) and I wonder if it would be prone to oil seeping past.
  14. Frisol

    Series 2a Gearbox - retaining compound, grease, and oil seal "compound"

    Hi again everyone, I'm a good way through the rebuild of my S2A gearbox (home mechanic, first attempt). The bell housing bearings are back in, and I've just pressed in the main bearing + housing. I've been following several YouTube channels and am also referencing the Land Rover Workshop...
  15. Frisol

    Series 2a Compliance Check and Warrant of Fittness

    Good advice. A friend did something similar for his MGB. Probably worth the few $$
  16. Frisol

    Series 2a Compliance Check and Warrant of Fittness

    I've joined the local Land Rover Owners Club in Auckland. Great bunch of people! They put me on to a sympathetic Compliance organization. I'll pitch the question to them as well. I'm booked in for a Compliance check on the 19th of December - fingers crossed. Thanks!
  17. Frisol

    Series 2a Compliance Check and Warrant of Fittness

    Regardless of usefulness, these are great! I'll scan through these and will also add them to my dosser for the Compliance inspector. Thanks!
  18. Frisol

    Series 2a Compliance Check and Warrant of Fittness

    Hey everyone, I'm nearing the end of the rebuild of my 1965 Series 2a gearbox and am preparing for a compliance check and warranty of fitness. The Series has been restored back to "original", no mods etc. I'm setting up a "dossier" of the rebuild process, photos and work completed with the...
  19. Frisol

    Series 2a Primary Pinion Removal (Retainer Plate)

    You were spot on thanks tottot. Easy when you know how!
  20. Frisol

    Series 2a Primary Pinion Removal (Retainer Plate)

    Cheers tottot. I agreed that I could get the first motion shaft out that way, but it would still leave the bearing in place retained by the retainer plate. I should have added in the post above that I want to replace the bearing.