1. P

    Maintenance Day

    Trail Maintenance Weekend on Gatescarth Pass on over 5th and 6th April. Meeting point will be Mardale Head, Haweswater, at 09.30am each day OS Grid Ref NY469 107. There will be some stone pitching work to do, and water run-off ditches to clear, as well as track edge reinforcement to maintain...
  2. P

    Denbighshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan Assessment Report 2008

    A DM for what area? I ave seen the one for Powys, Wrexham and Denbighshire. Paul
  3. P

    Doing it Safely

    Before you go laneing make sure you have good recovery points, as you will get stuck at some point. Never go laneing alone. Paul
  4. P

    Denbighshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan Assessment Report 2008

    I have always found Denbighshire and for that matter Wrexham to have good ROW depts. Shame the same can't be said for Powys!! Paul
  5. P

    Denbighshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan Assessment Report 2008

    :eek: :D :D i get to read lots of things like this.I will read it over the next few nights. Paul
  6. P

    Denbighshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan Assessment Report 2008

    Dear Sir / Madam Under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 each local highway authority, such as Denbighshire County Council, is required to prepare a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (RoWIP). The RoWIP will be the principal means by which each authority will indicate its priorities...
  7. P

    Denbighshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan Assessment Report 2008

    Welcome to Denbighshire County Council - Public Consultations
  8. P

    Green Laneing In North Wales

    Not yet. As I told him I like to see new people haveing some input to the forums before I give out all the good lanes as we do not know him from Adam!!! Paul
  9. P

    Green Laneing In North Wales

    I have had a pm/email from Drewster. Paul
  10. P

    Fun day out in North Wales!

    PMSL I will haveto tell Gary he looks like a Tea Pot in that Pic. Paul
  11. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    Might be, but I seem to remember it may be 110" but not sure. As It got 8" more leg room for the rear seats. Paul
  12. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    A Disco is100" same as a classic RR. Paul
  13. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    A 109 comparied to a 110;) Paul
  14. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    Yes, but my 110 is for sale;) Paul
  15. P

    Green Laning Staffordshire

    Try one of the Way Finder web sites. Paul
  16. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    Almost as good as my 110:rolleyes: Paul
  17. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    :D :D :D :D :D :D Paul
  18. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    I have a better turning circle on my 110 than a standard 90. But its the rear over-hang and the ramp over angle where the 90 wins. I find a 90 too small for me. I have done better than some 90s and hybreads in trials in my 110. But its all down to the way its set up. As posted above, a longer...
  19. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    If both are moded a bit. But in standard form the 90 wins. But I drive a 110 (for now). Paul
  20. P

    90 vs 110 Off Road

    In standard form a 90 is better. But if you mod a 110 then it can be as good if not better than a 90. I have never found anywhere where a 90 can go that I can not take my 110. Paul