1. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    This was all beginning to sound a bit ' Heath Robinson' :D but the pics explain ...any sort of ramps will need to be fold-able, as the 90 is so short. I like these tho, they look like fold out wall paper pasting tables lol.
  2. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    This is a great set up ...if I had an internal roll cage , it would work a treat. :)
  3. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    Ahh these could be good , only prob I can see is that I need the mower handles out to drive it up the ramp, how am I going to fold the handle with the front part in the 90 ....oh it's all so bloody complicated, if I don't offer a lawn cutting service as part of my gardening business, I reckon I...
  4. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    Lol ....sorry, got a bit crazy then :lol:
  5. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    Well it did cross my mind ....but it seems awfully steep ...i will have a go with our mower here which is the biggest roller hayter at 48" cut, I'm after the 41" so it may work ...do you think a bit of marine ply would be ok for a ramp?
  6. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    you taking the **** DT ( again) ...:lol:
  7. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    I would rather it was inside :D said the actress to the bishop ...:eek:
  8. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    eh! not bad ...just need to make sure it would take the weight - which I'm sure it would as those mobility scooters are pretty heavy - if you've ever had your toes run over by an out-of-control geriatric maniacal OAP :lol::eek: Did you want cream with that Sir ...oh and we only do strawberry...
  9. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    Can I run a leccy winch inside if i've already got one wired up to the battery at the front? Sorry if this sounds like a blonde question ...but yes i'm really thick lol:D
  10. Muds

    problem solvers needed...

    Any brainiacs out there, this is what i want to do ..is there a way that i can get a mower ( petrol, Hayter with roller, so pretty heavy ) into the 90 for when I'm cutting lawns. Don't really want to get a little trailer as i'll have nowhere secure to keep it whilst not in use, also they are...
  11. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Lol ...I wouldn't be surprised ...:D Hoping that our coast to coast recce run is in the next GLASS mag.:)
  12. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Hope the Kernow crew are getting ready for being famous....
  13. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Ok I've tried to re-send , fingers crossed :)
  14. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    great to see everyone last night , well up to the point I managed to take the Merc through a pothole , just about managed to limp to the garage where Mr changed the wheel ...'twas bleddy freezing and the tyre was completely shredded (poxy low profiles pah!) Anyway luckily I didn't trash the...
  15. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Thanks Rich , that'll be soopa doopa ..:D
  16. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Ok so whats the gen then ? On a personal level I'd prefer the Shire only because getting anywhere from Helston is a PITA ,:D Week days are long days so if i don't have to drive miles then i'm a happy bunny ...but i'm happy to go with what anyone else wants to do as long as it's fairly local...
  17. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Thurs is ok for us I hope you're not thinking about FOOOOOOD too much lol I guess if you want carvery it'll prolly be the Shire again? or maybe back to scorrier for chips n stuff? I think if we go to Scorrier , it maybe worth fore warning the landlady ...don't want to wait a millennia...
  18. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Think next week Mr is on a course at Shrivenham , so no good days next week ...does it have to be Weds this week?
  19. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Aghhhh can't do Weds as Mr is Duty Tech that day/eve.:(
  20. Muds

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Sounds good to me ...will rattle Mr Muds' cage to make sure we're free ...where are you thinking?:)