1. hughesy

    Where do you keep your spare wheel?

    Err.. it's actually bolted to the bonnet so it can't jump around.
  2. hughesy

    how to improve your mpg?

    I once had a 110 19J with a stupid great roof rack on it. Taking it off resulted in a 10mph increase in top end and about 10% better fuel consumption.
  3. hughesy

    Where do you keep your spare wheel?

    What's wrong with on the bonnet? Or are you all shortarses who can't see where they're going with it on there?
  4. hughesy

    Lacking power

    Have you changed the fuel filter lately?
  5. hughesy

    Not new at all really!

    Sadly the dog in my avatar is no longer with us. I'll have to change it. Maybe not though he was a good un.
  6. hughesy

    Not new at all really!

    I haven't posted on here since june 2011 but I've kept popping in from time to time. I'm finding meself having a read a bit more often now and who know's I might even post something. I've just worked out that I've owned five Landies including my current one since I last posted, plus a miserable...
  7. hughesy

    Is a V8 on LPG really as 'economical' as a diesel?

    TDI every time it's a no brainer. Reliable, cheap to buyand run on veg oil without any daft unnecessary conversions.
  8. hughesy

    Fiddling the milage...

    It is not true that every landy on ebay is rotten. You still have to go and give it the once over just like you would if it was on a dealer's yard or some bloke's drive with a for sale sign in the window. If you buy blind off ebay you could well get a surprise as there are some dodgy people out...
  9. hughesy

    Veggie power

    Asda have got 1 litre bottles of rape for a quid round here.
  10. hughesy

    TDI Classic RR. What percentage

    Does it matter?
  11. hughesy

    Help light problem

    I didn't think the 200 had the fusible links.
  12. hughesy

    Disco 1 specifications?

    None of this matters. It's the rust that matters. The rust.
  13. hughesy

    Might help others running Bio doozel

    Or in fact don't fit a britpart lift pump whatever fuel you're using.
  14. hughesy

    Def 90 of SIIa please help decide

    For startes most "classic" insurers don't want to know young or inexperienced drivers so don't let that influence your decision. I would still go for the 2a though due to the simplicity of the thing, the cheap parts, and the enormous satisfaction you'll get when it's done. However if driving any...
  15. hughesy

    opinions please vol.2

    Why do ads on autotrader almost never mention MOT's?
  16. hughesy

    3 bolt holes ?????

    I can't see how a few missing bolts there is going to cause an oil leak. More likely your rear crank seal will seep and oil will drip out of the wading plug hole which unless it's a big leak isn't a problem either.
  17. hughesy


    Bottoms brand new from paddocks are about 60 quid.
  18. hughesy

    Veggie power

    You could save more than 7.96 quid on a tankful just by taking your right boot off the pedal a bit. In my book if there's a decent saving to be made it's worth it but for a few pennies a litre it ain't worth the bother.
  19. hughesy

    Veggie power

    I've been using veg oil in various landies for several years. Have run 100% in 200tdi's with no problems in the warmer months. 80% in the winter. The 300 tdi I have now feels like it has a little bit more pull in it using veg oil. I've never noticed any difference mpg wise but at a saving of...
  20. hughesy

    Veggie power

    Biggest pain in the arse with supermarket stuff is getting rid of all the bottles:D