1. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morn 2 washings done and hung oot, this house husband carry on is a doddle. Then IKEA (my worst nightmare) had breakfast and then dragged around the store. Relaxing cup of tea and perhaps a river walk after lunch as the gym is shut due bank holiday ! Wtf Oh well done to the English woman in...
  2. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Thanks Hippo this reminded me to check mine, £50 & £100, ya dancer ! First win in well over a year.
  3. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morn Cracking day in prospect Just dragged the Aprilia oot the garage, off for a short blast to Largs for a coffee at Costa Have a guid day all :cool:
  4. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Mm not quite but your on the right track !
  5. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morn Delayed luggage arrived last night And so the story of the Korean adventure ends..............or does it !
  6. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    It got worse no kin luggage at Glasgow still in LHR
  7. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Kin hell Made it to LHR with 10 mins to spare before boarding closed. Now to be told by the pilot that there is a technical issue with the aircraft which could take some time to resolve. WTF have I done to deserve this moan moan moan ,,!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Kin airlines, arrived Skipol on time only to get notified flight to Glasgow is cancelled. Waiting to get redirected to LHR and then on to Glasgow, hopefully home by lunch time, journey time extended to 36 kin hours waaaa
  9. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid afternoon Well stage 1 of return journey complete, bus journey took 6 hours, hampered by monsoon like rain. Another 5 hours till boarding.Arrive home around 09:00 tomorrow which equates to around 30 hours travel time. Never again...... Having my last coffee n carrot cake at Inchinion, er I...
  10. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morn In Scotland we have deep fried mars bars, in Korea a variation on the theme deep fried snickers bars, no I did not try. Last full day and it's still chucking it Doon. My tan has about faded back to my usual milky white. 5.5 hour bus trip from Koje to Incheon Airport tomorrow morn and...
  11. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Dog, no longer allowed but older generation still eat dog but not in public. Got invited out for. Dinner tonight by a Korean family, BBQ again but duck this time. I'm absolutely stuffed, the gym will take a hammering next week when I'm home.
  12. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morning Korean BBQ (Galbi) the other night with today's lunch, Spider crab yummy. Good job I'm walking about 4 miles a day (despite constant rain) otherwise I'd be putting on a wee bit of weight.
  13. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Not Grumpy then, what does the test of the gang think ?
  14. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Which one are you ?
  15. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morn Last day in Pusan and it's wet wet wet. Coffee shop becons ! Heading south tomorrow, bus to Koje Island for the last week of the Korean adventure. :cool:
  16. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    A flavour of vehicles Apart from Kia n Hyundai Porche n G Wagon are popular here in Korea as are Indian n Harleys
  17. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Coffee n cheese cake, light lunch ( got rid of family for an hour) yes.
  18. Glasgie

    What have you done on your 90/110/130 today?

    When other people are walking by it's not to admire its to work out how to nick it !
  19. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Guid morn Holiday update Moved from Gwangalli Beach to Hyundai Beach for a few days. Weather turning crap but still around 28 Deg.
  20. Glasgie

    I would just like to say

    Yip however looking at the forecast for Scotland kinda wet back home