1. melon

    laning this weekend north wales

    Wanted to go out Saturday but if no one is out I can juggle some time about and do Sunday instead.
  2. melon

    laning this weekend north wales

    Anyone have a postcode so I can see how far?
  3. melon

    laning this weekend north wales

    Are you out again this weekend?
  4. melon

    Cheap starter cb setup

    eBay seems to be £150+!
  5. melon

    Cheap starter cb setup

    Where's best/cheapest place for a cb setup? Don't want to spend much as rather find out if I'd use it first. Just after a simple easy setup. Thanks
  6. melon

    West Yorkshire Laning Trips

    All abit far for me tbh (babysitter doesn't want Rugrats too early) so think genna have to give it a miss :( but il keep my eyes on the thread for future.
  7. melon

    Laning 16th/17th

    I would but I don't know any local lanes. I really want to do the strata Florida (if that's right name) but people only seem to do that when I'm working or have Landy related problems. After 3 years of stripping my 300tdi now I have it's replacement I want to go out and use it.
  8. melon

    Laning 16th/17th

    Can't do weekend after as work alternate weekends :( Always seems to be things on when it's my working weekend...
  9. melon

    West Yorkshire Laning Trips

    If anyone is laning this weekend I wouldn't mind tagging along.
  10. melon

    Metal missing?

    No idea to be honest but if they do, and if you do, would be great!
  11. melon

    Metal missing?

    Time to start saving my pennies....
  12. melon

    Metal missing?

    Went to adjust my alternator today to tighten the belt and there appears to be part missing where the pivot bolt goes through. Should I be worried? Its still complete where the bolt goes through it at the back.
  13. melon

    Disco off-road goodies

    Pics of steering guard and bumper please
  14. melon

    Anyone been to Silverdale 4x4?

    Might just try and go laning. Want to get out but having no luck with cheap mud tyres.
  15. melon

    Laning 16th/17th

    Wouldn't mind doing the strata but don't know any local lanes. And as is etiquette I'd like to tag along if anyone is out?
  16. melon

    Laning 16th/17th

    Anyone laning peaks or north Wales 16/17?
  17. melon

    Disco off-road goodies

    What condition is lift kit in? And what make? Also any pics of bumper?
  18. melon

    Tyre question!!!

    I've done a search and I've looked on the link but the size I've bin offered isn't listed. Been offered some 255/65/16 insa Saharas cheap. Will these fit a standard height 200tdi? With a camel cut? Yes I've done a search. YES IVE DONE A SEARCH serious answers only. I'm aware they...
  19. melon

    Anyone been to Silverdale 4x4?

    Trying to sort a cheap set of MUDs this week otherwise probably just going to go Silverdale and get stuck...
  20. melon

    Anyone been to Silverdale 4x4?

    Been advised to avoid Hill n Ditch but will check out quarry . Next weekend is my first time of since picking up my Landy so I've not had time yet for lift or muds but still wanna get out and play.