1. Geep

    Puff of black smoke under bonnet! Then cut out.

    Sorry Doc, I do that too :D
  2. Geep

    Puff of black smoke under bonnet! Then cut out.

    "so disconnected coil and plug leads then reconnected" I'd take a wild guess at petrol :)
  3. Geep

    Brake light failure?

    I'd go for bad earths or corrosion too.
  4. Geep

    Interest in the Car Boot

    Just done one in Stokesley (near Middlesbrough) in the company Astra, I wanted to take the 2a but SWMBO disagreed, maybe we'd have done better if we had.:)
  5. Geep

    harris hawker anybody heard from him?

    I bought and paid via Paypal for a indicator arm from harris hawker. I've not heard from him and he has not posted lately..... has anyone heard from him, is he OK (He was due to go into hospital) Thanks all, Graham
  6. Geep

    You still active?

    You still active?
  7. Geep

    You OK, still no sign of indicator arm??

    You OK, still no sign of indicator arm??
  8. Geep

    Stupid question - indicator switch

    I like noggin, it's a good solid English word :) (found out it's 1/3 of a pint)
  9. Geep

    security thingys

    My 2a is a diesel and has overdrive ....... I feel fairly safe ..... it takes enough for me to start :5bsifone:
  10. Geep

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Well done :)
  11. Geep

    Hi Steve, Hope you're OK, not a problem, post it when you get a chance. Cheers, Graham

    Hi Steve, Hope you're OK, not a problem, post it when you get a chance. Cheers, Graham
  12. Geep

    passed mot today

    Congratulations, it's a good feeling!
  13. Geep

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Popped off into town for new gegs, the dog ate the other ones. Got back to D'wreck the disco, got out key, looked at it, looked at it again..... the end had come off! Tried it in the door lock, no go, had to use the back door key (different lock), jiggling it to get in, now for ignition.... no...