
Active Member

Any thoughts on what caused this please?

Driving home today, moving slowly in traffic and then there was a puff of black smoke from under the bonnet and the engine cut out. :eek:

Restarted immediately and I pulled over, engine running perfectly fine static. Drove home and no further problems.

Has been misfiring a little recently, especially cornering, so disconnected coil and plug leads then reconnected ensuring no undue tensions and seemed to cure it (assume it was pulling a lead when leaning).

However it was idling a little slow anyway so I did increase the idle a touch, felt like I was having to use to much choke for too long.


Literally read the title and got bored hahaha

I've been sharing wisdom all day so I'm a bit short tonight ;)

However as its a series I'd let it go for now, if it's serious it'll happen again then worry. I'm using that method with my discovery and it seems to fix itself
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