1. cashybai

    Checking IRD

    You swopped the wheels around? Cheapest fing todo first afore you get to props etc... Done me Red, but great minds etc!
  2. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Same feckin difference....:mad: Like the colour tho, goes with the gaylander image..
  3. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Yeah, right...don't say owt about the piggin wheels fallin off when it gets wet....:mad:
  4. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    As me next to 500th post, jest want ta tell ya all I'm off ta bed... Nitey Nite.;)
  5. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Talkin sensible fera change, anyone's bin on't landy hexperience'll tell ya that a gl can do some prettttty houtragus stuff. Now, back to being a c*nt n' talkin b*llocks.....:eek:
  6. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    DL, got it in a nutshell. Sirus, I will be in touch with my femine side later. Me n' Miss Fist hav a lot to discuss....;)
  7. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    That make me either a)stubborn b) fik or c) sectioned.:p
  8. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    :( An I voted fer yous 'n all. :( :(
  9. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Aw comeon Sirus, let us off...pleyuz?:o Anyone can make a **** of emselves once ina while, I just seem to be good at it....:p
  10. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Fort thats who you meant in the first place? Whadya reckon, can I hit 500 posts tonite? Fek this is easy, I can see how Slob's got so many....:D
  11. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

  12. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    WoooooHOOO, Yer goin down fer that one....:eek:
  13. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Fekkin hell Beechy, thats the wittiest comment here! Parade Gloss boot polish, thats what we always used on't fire engines in't old days....;)
  14. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

  15. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Ah balls, Git back on yer own forum, piggin tratter drivers...wheres Ming when I need support? On second forts..........HELP....GAYLANDER DRIVER GETTIN ROASTED! Not Spit before anyone sez it....In yer dreams Grippa...I'll wear me uniform if it does it fer ya? :p
  16. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Hold on a mo, how many posts have I got? Bin done up like a newbie here.....:D
  17. cashybai

    Info for Newbies

    Why do you think I come on here so much?:D Always such an appreciative audience....
  18. cashybai

    Who finds this forum offensive ?

    And another thing............Blow, I'm talking b*llocks again...:o Hiya Hatters;)
  19. cashybai

    Who finds this forum offensive ?

    Ah balls, I'm biting now.You can have me teddy, I'm going home.:mad:
  20. cashybai

    Who finds this forum offensive ?

    And whats wrong wiv that? :confused: