1. bushwwacker

    how much rain can a topless landy stand

    Here? ;) Spares Info Sixth down.
  2. bushwwacker

    Freelander CD changer

    I'm cynical and can be an arsse hole when I want to be too but, I'm not a mod and enjoy winding folk up when I'm that way out... :D
  3. bushwwacker

    Freelander CD changer

  4. bushwwacker

    Freelander CD changer

    Why you trying to off load it then! ?!:mad:
  5. bushwwacker

    Freelander CD changer

    How do you work it? I've only got what's in the bottom tray to work... ! Stuck with The Darkness, One way ticket to Hell and back on... I can't get The Levellers, Northern Soul compilation or Ivor Cuttler to play... :eek: :confused::D
  6. bushwwacker

    how long can I make a snorkel?

    About 17'? Maybe 65', depends on whether you have scuba gear... Ask jack coosto... ;)
  7. bushwwacker

    Freelander CD changer

    Eyup Beasty!!! :dnfnoob: :deadhorse::boink:
  8. bushwwacker

    Freelander CD changer

    :welcome2: Reported.
  9. bushwwacker

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Who the funk decided fitting an intercooler then feeding it with shi'ite out of the engine was a good idea!?! :( Spent an hour buggering about cleaning the EGR - it'd have been quicker buying a blank kit!
  10. bushwwacker

    rear badge

    Sweet Paprika...
  11. bushwwacker

    Is it possible?

    Why wouldn't it be?
  12. bushwwacker

    Simple question.

    Yup, the wipers are off. My other gaylander doesn't do it though. It's not a problem, just a bit odd... ;)
  13. bushwwacker

    Simple question.

  14. bushwwacker

    Simple question.

    Does anyone else's rear wiper do one cycle when you take the key out of the ignition?
  15. bushwwacker

    rear badge

  16. bushwwacker

    Ev09uet ev09uew ev09uel

    Will they fit a gaylander?
  17. bushwwacker

    Julie Lynn

    DON'T DO IT!!! :eek::eek::eek: BB is actually the executor of a Nigerian princes estate, who has £1,000,000 pounds (one million) to transfer to you via Western Onion or BACS on receipt of your details as you are the sole beneficiary of said Prince's estate! :eek::eek::eek:
  18. bushwwacker

    New Cumbrian Landy owner!

    Owdoo. ;)
  19. bushwwacker

