1. M

    Td4 freelander engine noise?

    Can it be dropped in with the auto box attached?
  2. M

    Td4 freelander engine noise?

    Will have a look tomorrow and do the test as he left it at my lock up. Shame as the car is absolutely immaculate.
  3. M

    Td4 freelander engine noise?

    Good evening everyone, got a friend in need. He’s got a horrible noise coming from his td4 when revved or under acceleration. Told him about this website but he’s not too tech savvy so here I am. I haven’t a scooby but sounds rough. I have put a video on my YouTube. Matt
  4. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Surely wheel bearings are wear and tear items and not covered by warranty.
  5. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    All done nodge mate, went ok to be fair. Both went in straight and without too much pressure so I assume they will be ok.
  6. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Got my bearings already, and they are currently residing with the veg in deep freeze lol smashed the old one out with the lump hammer, see how it goes tomorrow…. Fingers crossed.
  7. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Nodge, your bang on mate Ns front bearing shot! Take brake calliper off and spin the wheel.
  8. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Ok but why is the passenger side not loose but drivers is slack (seams to move very easy)
  9. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    What does holding the sling do? I will try tomorrow
  10. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Oh really, I just jumped on it again today and I swear it’s impossible it’s the bearings they sound and feeling fine. I did however notice that the offside drive shaft was slack as you like, loads of play in and out. No play on other side . So I’ve ordered one up and I’m hoping it’s that...
  11. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Fair enough, do you think the give away to wheel bearings would be feeling it in the steering wheel?
  12. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Would explain why when I jacked all 4 corners and ran it I couldn’t hear anything. It’s on 115k, it does feel like wheel bearings. Just was surprised as could t feel any play or hear anything when spinning wheel.
  13. M

    Freelander 2 bearing noise

    Hi guys, we have bought a freelander 2 to go with our freelander 1’s. bought it with a list of jobs needing doing. All fixed now and just passed it’s mot. But….. there is a noise front the front somewhere starts around 35/40mph (wur-wur-wur) noise. If I speed up noise is less noticeable. Does...
  14. M

    Freelander 1 td4 white smoke

    That doesn’t sound good, it runs very smooth though. You wouldn’t even think anything is up if it wasn’t for the smoke
  15. M

    Freelander 1 td4 white smoke

    Yeah probably but it doesn’t seam to clear, wouldn’t a leaky injector clear once running and up to temp
  16. M

    Freelander 1 td4 white smoke

    Hi guys back again, got a white smoke issue. Lots of white smoke when revved, gets really bad when driving. Then if you come back and let it sit it clears on idle but then after a short while it’s back when you rev it. absolutely no change in power, it drives really well. Im thinking turbo...
  17. M

    Freelander 1 td4

    Hi guys, just checking in. I replaced lift pump as I could hear it wasn’t working and it has fixed the problem. Amazingly it must of ran on just the hp pump for a short while.
  18. M

    Freelander 1 td4

    Will do tomorrow, weird how it’s gone from driving but extremely slow to now no start at all
  19. M

    Freelander 1 td4

    Hi Andy that’s very kind Thankyou. it’s not starting at all now, and no lift pump noise. Is it possible (as it was driving earlier) that the hp pump was running the car with no lift pump?
  20. M

    Freelander 1 td4

    Just noticed the lift pump isn’t operating when ignition is turned? Absolutely nothing coming from the wheel arch at all. Could this cause it?