1. R

    "Stranded in France" of last week...similar tale....

    "Voulu - ou un bon ingénieur français qui parle anglais de Land Rover - ou quelqu'un qui peut négocier en français aux garages au nom de pauvres personnes ignorantes de Grande-Bretagne" Would that be yerself that's in the frame? or perhaps Jason?
  2. R

    "Stranded in France" of last week...similar tale....

    Hi Hat Man, have added details. I/we are near Tarbes/Pau, central foothills of the Pyrenees.
  3. R

    "Stranded in France" of last week...similar tale....

    Hi Guys (and Gals), and possible especially Jason2..... I watched that post of last week with avid interest as I/we have been living here for just over a year (plus 6 months edge of Lot/Dordogne) and have had atrocious service/been unable to find decent Land Rover orientated garage since we left...
  4. R

    Hi to all.........

    Hi Crusher, just bee on the Disco section and been told what a numpty I was in assessing the damge......Disco's don't have a cam belt (chain driven engine) only a drive belt for the A/C, PAS anwater pump so not terminal at all....now I am walking three feet off the ground with a large glass of...
  5. R

    I think my Disco has a terminal problem......

    When you say 'did it stop?'..I presume you mean the engine........then no........I heard all the bumping under the bonnet followed by a hissing sound (aircon discharging?) immediately pulled over to the hard shoulder and turned the engine off followed by a rush to look under the bonnet and the...
  6. R

    I think my Disco has a terminal problem......

    In reply to both Terry and MMaddock............I haven't actually been much under the bonnet of either the TD5 or my last Discovery.....to now find that the cam belt (ok, the drive belt) doesn't crucify the engine when it goes because it's chain driven has actually lifted my heart and walletr...
  7. R

    I think my Disco has a terminal problem......

    ....Hi guys and gals, it's been a crap week....what with the van in the garage with a damaged wishbone and disintegrating wheel bearing, (€550) had to pick up a friend from the airport today.....(in actual fact had to go there twice as his first flight was turned back with technical...
  8. R

    Hi to all.........

    ...........just thought I'd say hello before rushing off to the Discovery part of the forum as I believe mine has just died of a broken cam belt.......... Riggy.