
New Member
....Hi guys and gals, it's been a crap week....what with the van in the garage with a damaged wishbone and disintegrating wheel bearing, (€550) had to pick up a friend from the airport today.....(in actual fact had to go there twice as his first flight was turned back with technical problems).... and on the way back doing around 100, the cam belt went. No knocking and banging to be heard etc, just a hiss from the air con de-pressurising. Does the forum think that there is any chance of a recovery from this position without either the L/R agency or a local garage ripping my wallet out through my testicles?........by the way.......I live in South West France near the Pyrenees.
p.s. Vehicle is a 2000 TD5.
Hi hope this is useful but the TD5 has not got a cambelt it's a chain so if its the sepentine belt you should have just lost the PAS, ACE, A/C but more importantly the water pump,could the hiss have been the pressure cap letting by?
You'd certainly be being ripped off if a garage replaced the cam belt, because it doesn't have one!

I repeat...are there any Disco owners left in the UK?!! :)

Hi hope this is useful but the TD5 has not got a cambelt it's a chain so if its the sepentine belt you should have just lost the PAS, ACE, A/C but more importantly the water pump,could the hiss have been the pressure cap letting by?

In reply to both Terry and MMaddock............I haven't actually been much under the bonnet of either the TD5 or my last Discovery.....to now find that the cam belt (ok, the drive belt) doesn't crucify the engine when it goes because it's chain driven has actually lifted my heart and walletr about eight feet opff the floor. Thank you guys. I presume even a numpty like me could actually fit one or is it best just to get my local garage to fit it and be assured that it's done proffessionally?
there are special tools involved to remove the viscous fan so unless you are going to add these to your tool kit then maybe the garage may be a better option if you are going to buy then a website called www.DIFFLOCK.com sell them at about a third of the price of LR
When you say 'did it stop?'..I presume you mean the engine........then no........I heard all the bumping under the bonnet followed by a hissing sound (aircon discharging?) immediately pulled over to the hard shoulder and turned the engine off followed by a rush to look under the bonnet and the inevitable stink of burned rubber. Couldn't understand (at that time) why the French break down guy said 'il est pas terminal...pas de probleme'.:D :D
'il est pas terminal...pas de probleme'.

That is FrogTalk ... it means

It is not phukt ....... not a problem ....

So he was telling you good news.

Maybe we need Slob to give lessons on this forum as to the difference between an accessory drive belt and a toothed camshaft belt.

The important difference when they break is about a thousand pounds.


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