1. H

    hse 4.6 fuel consumption

    here mate Land Rover > Lambda Sensor
  2. H

    hse 4.6 fuel consumption

    i have got a light foot, i am now going to put in a gallon as the light has now come on. i will drive around town till the light comes on and see what she does.
  3. H

    hse 4.6 fuel consumption

    just gave the air intake,air flow meter and breath pipes a good clean out with proper cleaner. inspected a couple of plugs which are carboned up as is the exhaust. when i restarted loads od black carbon was deposited on my drive from the exhaust. just got 46 miles on a run from £20 worth of...
  4. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    will do, i will revert to my original thread on this subject as i have sorted the keycode locked out issue
  5. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    will do thanks for helping
  6. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    the faults were reset and the ecu was reset to factory settings. he did start it up and revved a few times and sais that they did NOT come back. no engine light comes on apart from ignition start and goes out as normal
  7. H

    19" tyre pressures

  8. H

    19" tyre pressures

    prehaps i will try that. whats the pressures for 18 inch tyres. i havent got a book
  9. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    it seem to use loads at idle
  10. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    12 on a run
  11. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    will do, could i have a crypton tune. i had 2 faults on the test book when i had it plugged in the other day. air flow meter and oxygen sensors but they were reset. i suppose they could just appear again but i cant keep shelling £40. i am getting 8 mpg. i do have a seperate thread on this...
  12. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    managed to get it sorted with the eka code. phew!!! at least i know how to work that now. all these problems started because i disconnected the maf switch again the car struggled to keep running in idle and eventually stalled. when i re-connected the car stayed exactley the same and all...
  13. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    i got in but engine disabled. it says push keyfob remote but everytime i press it nothing happens what a ple of junk this car is...
  14. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    right then, here i go
  15. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    i think i have pm you wantaquad..
  16. H

    keycode lockout with no key

    hse 4.6 1995 i have managed to get myself locked out after disconnecting the battery with the key inside the car. then like a pratt i shut the bonnet with the battery disconnected. i have the code but i assume this useless without the key. what can i do apart from putting the window through.
  17. H

    hse 4.6 fuel consumption

    yes i am doing that, just been for another 3 miles and its down to 8.7mpg. the only reason i posted the site which sold air flow meters was to prove you can get them for a reasonable price as oppose to upto £700 which some people where stating on this thread. do you think it would be worth...
  18. H

    hse 4.6 fuel consumption

    if i new it was definatly kaputt i would change it tomorrow but i have spent so much on the car just to get it moving i need to now for sure. i am now thinking the lamba sensors as lots of people have been telling me storys of improved consumption once changed, but again how do you know for...
  19. H

    hse 4.6 fuel consumption

    well they would say that wont they if they wanted to sell you one.
  20. H

    tailgate button is duff

    spot on andy, i gradually packed it and eventually i got the clicking sound which told me thats all it needed. well at last ive got a job done with no cost at all:D:D:D cant be bad...