what about getting yourself a code reader? you can pick them up for aroun £30 thats how i do it then if i come across anything that needs testbook i put it in saves me loads did you go on equus and have a look? the codes i gave you i had on mine j

can i pick one of these up from the equus site? if so which one would
you advice.
ebay are duff becuase people put their faulty ones up for sale after they've fitted their nice shiny new parts. Speaking from experience:mad:
thats ok when my went i just got new senser cost £70 took 2 mins to fit i going out in a min i will bring my coder reader in with me and tell you witch one i have. as for equus i only use site for codes j
Yeah, I found that out, as previously stated. I learned me lesson. Just as well I paid Paypal. Got money back, so it wasnt too bad, just a waste of time.
hunter just hade gool look at that air flow it not got senser in it and it is senser that goes. and code reader i have is sealey vs8700 i think this one is around £80ish my son bought it i sole it off him please dont tell him lol. back to air flow as i said if i was going to change it i would just do senser best of luck j

They're all non-genuine though. I was told by the chap that sorted mine out that only the genuine ones are calibrated properly for the ECU. The aftermarket ones might physically fit, but that's about all they will do.

In fact the place I bought my genuine one from said that he's going to stop doing the non-genuine items as they have such a huge return rate.
They're all non-genuine though. I was told by the chap that sorted mine out that only the genuine ones are calibrated properly for the ECU. The aftermarket ones might physically fit, but that's about all they will do.

In fact the place I bought my genuine one from said that he's going to stop doing the non-genuine items as they have such a huge return rate.

well they would say that wont they if they wanted to sell you one.
hunter just hade gool look at that air flow it not got senser in it and it is senser that goes. and code reader i have is sealey vs8700 i think this one is around £80ish my son bought it i sole it off him please dont tell him lol. back to air flow as i said if i was going to change it i would just do senser best of luck j

if i new it was definatly kaputt i would change it tomorrow but i have
spent so much on the car just to get it moving i need to now for sure.
i am now thinking the lamba sensors as lots of people have been
telling me storys of improved consumption once changed, but again
how do you know for sure? if they are duff
as i said to you i would leave it for a few weeks let it get some miles on then see how it goes but the part you where looking at is usless if your not got any holes or rips in it you can take yours off and clean it much cheeper j
yes i am doing that, just been for another 3 miles and its down to 8.7mpg. the only reason i posted the site which sold air flow meters was to prove you can get them
for a reasonable price as oppose to upto £700 which some people where stating on this thread.
do you think it would be worth putting some injector cleaner in with the petrol?
does the idle air control valve come into play?
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if you asked me would i put it in mine i would say no i would make sure all air ways where clean with no leaks and not take any notice of what it said the milage i was getting take milage down and work it out thats the truth. i do school run and mine says 8 one day 10 the next and so on never the same see what i saying? j
well they would say that wont they if they wanted to sell you one.

Normally I would agree with you, but the lpg specialist that sorted my poor running out wasn't interested in selling me one (doesn't sell them), yet he was the one that first told me how awful all the aftermarket ones were and that their outputs were usually so far out of whack that they just confuse the ecu. Everyone I spoke to since then has said the same thing. All the adaptive values in my ecu were so out of whack, he was amazed it ran at all. A new genuine MAF sorted it all.

Of course the aftermarket ones are much cheaper. They don't work. Or at least not well. Having said that, I can't imagine how LR can possibly justify the price they charge for genuine ones. It's a disgraceful price for what it is.

p38spares.co.uk have/had genuine ones at half price though.
just gave the air intake,air flow meter and breath pipes a good clean out with
proper cleaner. inspected a couple of plugs which are carboned up as is the
exhaust. when i restarted loads od black carbon was deposited on my drive
from the exhaust.
just got 46 miles on a run from £20 worth of petrol.
going to get an emissions test as adivsed, how much should i be looking to pay?
How heavy is yer right foot??:eek::eek:

I'm fairly economical with mine and i can get around 350-400 out a tank.

Sounds like summits definitely wrong.

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