1. M

    OMG mum's done a real bad woopsie!!!!!

    er no, im capable of doing the job, i dont work on these cars, or desiels, as long as i know where the filter is then i know how to sort it. thanks.
  2. M

    OMG mum's done a real bad woopsie!!!!!

    Cant upload the pic i got but i have attached a crappie diagram of it. think that is it but can you con firm im looking at correct place
  3. M

    OMG mum's done a real bad woopsie!!!!!

    anyone got a pic of its location, i think im looking at the wrong thing.
  4. M

    OMG mum's done a real bad woopsie!!!!!

    where is the fuel filter on these???
  5. M

    OMG mum's done a real bad woopsie!!!!!

    hi all, me mum was using my car yesterday and put £15 of petrol in my deisel. car stalled and defo not gonna even try to turn it over. i have a 2.5 dt P38. the light was on for the desiel, and then she put £15 of petrol in it. what do i do get her running again. can i suck the petrol out of the...
  6. M

    key broken, dissabled immobiliser

    woke up this morning, and key is working, but i still need to get another key, this car has a habbit of locking my key in he car and now geting washed. what a ****ie day i had yesterday. all fixed now anyway, thanks all.
  7. M

    key broken, dissabled immobiliser

    yep battery defo in right. is it possible to use the key i got from the broken fob to use in the ignition, and sink the un-used fob so that i can use the car and turn immobiliser off. i got my wedding in 2 weeks and cant afford the key until i ge back.
  8. M

    key broken, dissabled immobiliser

    light aint even flashing now!!!
  9. M

    key broken, dissabled immobiliser

    also i have another key, i found it in the car, but the key dont fit the locks and it dont fit in ignition. anyway i can use this key to work with the immobiliser and doors???
  10. M

    key broken, dissabled immobiliser

    how do i re-sink it????
  11. M

    key broken, dissabled immobiliser

    hi, i finished working on mates car and put dirty clothes in washing machine and forgot my range rover key was still in pocket. went through a 60 degree wash. light wash flashing on key. took battery out and gave it a soft wip inside. left it for a bit and its now completely dry, but now it wont...
  12. M

    car has auto locked and key is inside!!!!!!!

    **** yeh, whos the daddy. thanks mate, used a chissel and screwdriver. worked a treat. thanks. and yeh from now on i am going to open a window before i do anything just incase. lol
  13. M

    car has auto locked and key is inside!!!!!!!

    cheers for that, only thing is all my tools are in the car. all i got is a wire coat hanger. i no it can be done. had to do it with everycar i have had in the past at some point. just cant seem to get this one to unlock.
  14. M

    car has auto locked and key is inside!!!!!!!

    u no i was waiting to see how long it would take for someone to ask that, lol. no i have no spare key.
  15. M

    car has auto locked and key is inside!!!!!!!

    hi all, i need your help. this morning i unlocked the car bent down to pop the bonnet and put key on drivers seat. closed door and went to check oil level as i have a bit of a leak so i check every morning. while checking the oil the car locked itself.:doh::doh::doh: it done this last...
  16. M

    Brake Fluid

    hi am i right in saying that the clutch runs off the brake fluid aswell???? if so what fluid is correct for the P38 also would the bleeding proccess be the same???
  17. M

    oil Leek!!!!!!

    sorry if i sound a real novice but as i said i dont work on deisel engines.......how many rads has this thing got???? perfect time to learn about deisels i suppose when me own 1 balls up. lol
  18. M

    oil Leek!!!!!!

    oh just wrote that reply and found some had already put it, thats the cooler i was looking at, lol. will replace it soon. i take it i need to empty oil from engine first.....needs new oil anyway. pretty black and sticky. last owner didnt care for it much. i want to get it perfect.
  19. M

    oil Leek!!!!!!

    thanks, jus let me confirm this, the hoses go from oil filter to cooler, and im guessing the cooler is near the rad???? found 1 on ebay cooler and pipes £158 is that good???
  20. M

    oil Leek!!!!!!

    its only 1 pipe that seems to be leaking, any idea how much and how to change these???? there is also a pipe going into the engine, bottom of engine passenger side windscreen end that seems to be leaking. cant see where it goes.