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    Water in the boot BLOWS satnav/radio + more! Design Fault?

    HI Johnny, Its killed the lot! Iam being told I need all new satnav & radio units!!! Range Rover told me they have never seen anything like this before & that this is a fault that should NEVER happen!!! I smell some bull****
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    wow thanks for your help! remember that next time. & bythe way "Everyone else KNOWS YOUR a...) Thanks again :rolleyes:
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    Water in the boot BLOWS satnav/radio + more! Design Fault?

    No I got it from Autotrader not a main dealer :frown: It cost me £97 just for them to look at it & tell me they could not find out where it was comming from :crazy:
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    Water in the boot BLOWS satnav/radio + more! Design Fault?

    Thanks Wills, I know what your saying & I agree :) But I have been told that all this has been looked into and no faults found!! This is Staffordshire's main dealer, when they say they have looked I guess I have too take it that they have done it. They now want me to pay to have the roof...
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    If I can find other people that have had the same thing happen I can then get range rover to listen and do something about it, even if it means me taking them to court to do it! Im SURE this is a design fault
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Im finding that out FAST! I have 2 A6s and Audi are GREAT if I need anything, but Range Rover just dont want to know & just keep saying I should of got a main dealer car!!! The Vogue is only 4 years old and cost over £50k new you would think it would hold water tight!
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    I have someone comming over tomorrow to try & help, Im not sure the main dealer has looked at this right! this should not happen not on something like this, they are a lot of money to be scrap within 4 years!
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Thanks I'll look around for it
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    Water in the boot BLOWS satnav/radio + more! Design Fault?

    Range Rover 2004 I have had this now since Oct 2008, its spend over 3 weeks in the Stealers for parts, MOT & a full service and now this. I have driven a total of 300 miles. Now its scrap if I can't find out where water is getting into the left side of the boot soking the satnav and...
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    If its been raining and you brake hard you can hear water in the roof, the shop say thats fine it's just the drain, but drain from what if the sunroof has not been open how can water be in there to drain off??? Something smells bad here & I'm not eating it!
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    I have had this thing water tested or so Im being told! & they can find NO way that water can get into there unless I put it there! Which I know Iv not coz that would be not just daft more like fu*king stupid!!! Could this be a design fault on the range rover 2004 + ?
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    I was thinking sunroof to but the shop say there is NO chance its that:confused:
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    OK 3 weeks in the shop & I now know why!!! It has water in the back left boot compartment, which has got into the satnav unit which has blown the satnav & radio & parking! Can someone PLEASE HELP and tell me how can water get in there? Its been sat on my drive almost since I got her all...
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Thanks for that but fuses are about as far as I dare go with this. I'll take in to the shop & see what they say I know if I go pulling at things I'm going to reck more of her, & as I have not even done 100 miles yet I dont want her up in flames!
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Hi All, If its not fuses any one have an idea on what it could be? Thanks Joe
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    All the fuses are working! Any ideas what now? Thanks Joe
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    Anyone doing anyone fundraising this Halloween?

    Looks like we can't do much to help you guys raise money to make peoples lives a little better! thanks for that :rolleyes:
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Hi, No it was gone 8pm when I got home so was way too dark & a 14 hour day is about as much as I can do! (too old & fat to work more!) I'm going to try again if I get home before night tonight! Which fuse box is "fuse 8" in? Thanks Joe
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Your a star! Thanks
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    Less Than 100 Miles & I need help!

    Thanks Where can I down load it from? Joe