
New Member
Range Rover 2004
I have had this now since Oct 2008, its spend over 3 weeks in the Stealers for parts, MOT & a full service and now this.

I have driven a total of 300 miles.

Now its scrap if I can't find out where water is getting into the left side of the boot soking the satnav and blowing anything running from it (satnav/radio/TV/parking ect) :confused:

Total bill wanted to replace satnav and the other things its damaged £1,300 + which will just blow again as soon as I get it wet (anyone taking bets how long that will be in Sunny old England?:rolleyes: )

Its been water tested (so the say) nothing found!
When you break hard you can hear water in the roof, but the shop say thats normal and just the sunroof drain.

This can't be right! can it?
I was one of them people thinking that these things could go ANYWHERE & do ANYTHING, or is that only right as long as you DON'T get them WET! :rolleyes:

Is this a design fault?
Has anyone on here had the same thing happen?
Anyone know where the water is getting in?

Try leaving access open to the area where the water is and get someone to operate the rear wash/wipe, it's probably something as simple as a split or blocked hose either from that or the sunroof, also open the sunroof and pour some water down the drains and see where it exits.
I agree with him, before starting to worry about anything that is a design fault or structurally wrong go for the simple things. Sun roof drains can and do get blocked. When I bought my P38 a pipe had come off the one-way valve in the boot behind one of the panels which meant when I operated the rear washer I was merrily filling the interior with washer fluid. If its not that then maybe a seal on a window or the tailgate seal?? Start with the easy obvious stuff first. Driving around and hearing water sloshing about in the roof isnt right though which would make me start at the sunroof.

-Wills :)
Thanks Wills, I know what your saying & I agree :)
But I have been told that all this has been looked into and no faults found!!

This is Staffordshire's main dealer, when they say they have looked I guess I have too take it that they have done it.

They now want me to pay to have the roof lining removed to see if there is water about under it £100+
Thanks Wills, I know what your saying & I agree :)
But I have been told that all this has been looked into and no faults found!!

This is Staffordshire's main dealer, when they say they have looked I guess I have too take it that they have done it.

They now want me to pay to have the roof lining removed to see if there is water about under it £100+

I dont quite understand, they say they have looked into all the above mentioned things yet they now want to remove the roof lining to check for something they say they have checked :confused::confused::suspicious::suspicious:

Did the vehicle come with a warranty from them??

-Wills :)
No I got it from Autotrader not a main dealer :frown:

It cost me £97 just for them to look at it & tell me they could not find out where it was comming from :crazy:
had the same problem with my 2003 vogue just had it sorted yesterday and was told it was a faulty roof seal which was caused when the dvd system was originally installed. it has also killed my satnav and radio. i was told they replaced the seal and fixed the other seal although not sure what they did cost is about £250 i will find out exactly tommorow.

Has your just blow the fuse to your satnav and radio or killed the actual hardware as this is the next thing i have to sort out.
HI Johnny,

Its killed the lot! Iam being told I need all new satnav & radio units!!!

Range Rover told me they have never seen anything like this before & that this is a fault that should NEVER happen!!! I smell some bull****

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