1. M

    Hi :)

    nothing to do with me i,m female live in wales carmarthen no where near tewskbury thankfully i dont rememeber him saying it was his though i saw that pic on sky news last week
  2. M

    Hi :)

    omg now its a chat site for gays too blimey oh riley this place is so much fun i,m literally rofl tears running down my face it hilarious who ever thought owing a landy would be so mcvuh fun :D
  3. M

    Hi :)

    :eek: i knew it its the spelling and way off putting things you cant hide a forrester except you in wales touche i,m welsh too we can at least talk properly
  4. M

    Hi :)

    so what if they are lmao you still talk complete twaddle and crap so what does it matter if keys are missing at least his post make sense which i more than the rest of the posts on here :eek:
  5. M

    Hi :)

    i dont need to ask questions lol i build the flaming things bit by bit and it seems i need a sense of humour on here oh and a forest dictionary to understand the appalings spelling and dialect on here as it sure isnt english does the forest have its own phrase book :rolleyes: hi...
  6. M

    Hi :)

    well i ,ve just joined too but not sure i,m in the right place though :confused: no one talks english and insults everyone that joins mmmm i have a landrover discovery my pride and joy so do i get a welcome or complete abuse too looking at this thread i dont think i,ll ask a sensible...