well i ,ve just joined too but not sure i,m in the right place though :confused:
no one talks english and insults everyone that joins mmmm
i have a landrover discovery my pride and joy so do i get a welcome or complete abuse too
looking at this thread i dont think i,ll ask a sensible question it apears they are beyond the mental capability of most on here
then again re reading this i know where you all come from lol
your all forest inbreds that talk complete twaddle with out a single brain cell amongst you and like to brag you use a forum so you,ve made one up to make you all look good :confused:
yup thats the one sussed you all all true forresters and hate newcomers well actually you love newcomers you can feed em to th bear gggggrrrrrr

Hey mica - ask a sensible Q in the Disco section and yu will get good replies. Keep ya sense of humour and yu will learn a lot.
i dont need to ask questions lol
i build the flaming things bit by bit and it seems i need a sense of humour on here

oh and a forest dictionary to understand the appalings spelling and dialect on here as it sure isnt english

does the forest have its own phrase book :rolleyes:

hi razor at least one on here can talk normally

flibbly wibbly wobbly bobbley do:p
are the 's' and 'h' keys broken on yer keyboard yella?

so what if they are lmao you still talk complete twaddle and crap so what does it matter if keys are missing at least his post make sense which i more than the rest of the posts on here :eek:
so what if they are lmao you still talk complete twaddle and crap so what does it matter if keys are missing at least his post make sense which i more than the rest of the posts on here :eek:
brilliant pure dead brilliant..
ok i can win you all over now

get ready with the tissues

took this just before the floods got 5ft deeper in tewkesbury last week

:eek: i knew it its the spelling and way off putting things you cant hide a forrester

except you in wales touche i,m welsh too we can at least talk properly
R u the Mica that sang Big Gurls Like More ................? urn the Tee Vee?

By the way I rated this thread as cr*p..................:cool:

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