1. M

    Hi :)

    opps that swear box doing well then :D he aplogised to quick then he was just plain hilarious in a mental sort of way
  2. M

    Hi :)

    you can grab me if you like yella raz dont mind;)
  3. M

    Hi :)

    lmao down boy :p anyway you didnt like me last night we still together as i just posted was messing thats all would have spolit the fun if i had said who i was straight away :D
  4. M

    Hi :)

    i am his wife and still am he,s sat on pc i,m on the laptop was messing towind you up when i said i was from somewhere hybrid i got a very thick skin :D only found slob offensive in his first few posts on razors hi thread he rest of you are hillarious and erm whys with the way of typing...
  5. M


    my english is perfect (shame about the typing though) it just all this slang you all use its catching tim what you want a pic of lol
  6. M

    Hi :)

    wasnt lying lol couldnt say i was his wife wouldnt have been so funny if i had said straight away now would it;)
  7. M

    Hi :)

    slobs your leader arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh even worse than i thought then dont worr im very good at looking after myself 3 hours a day in the gym boxing and kickboxing and combat lol i,m cool dont scare easy hehe
  8. M


    titch lol you met me then lol i am tiny yes so titch fits well could you translate the post i quoted in english please hehe
  9. M

    Hi :)

    lol time to introduce myself i,m not razors alter ego i,m his wife :D just had to join to as he was laffin so much at the way slob just jumped in and had a go the min he said hi the rest of you are cool so funny if i could understand the way you type lol but slob is just offensive and...
  10. M

    Hi :)

    as if i care :p i didnt get as far as anyother threads i saw a newbie introduce them selves and get ****e for it so thought i,d join in i have no reason to read the rest one other section was bad enough some poor guy asks another sensible question and gets a reply in god knows what...
  11. M

    Hi :)

    now i,m insulted i,m farm born and bred thank you very much and i can talk farmer talk as well as anyone i was born in somerset moved back to wales the home of my parents a few years ago i,m no flaming townie cant abide townies either just dont understand inbred talk nothing wrong with that...
  12. M


    what the kin hell does that mean see ask a sensible question on here and get total twaddle back now that was def not english :eek:
  13. M

    Hi :)

    nope not full of **** at all i leave that up to you lot you do it so well i would give you the addy of the forum but we like normal people on there not arrogant illiterate mental cases from deepest darkest inbred forest weirdos
  14. M

    Hi :)

    oooooooooooo get you lol is a lot more english than the stuff written on here seems the welsh dont stick together either god you lots are well hilarious
  15. M

    Hi :)

    medication holy **** that explains it too back to the straight jacket with you lets hope they dont let you out again for a long long time :eek:
  16. M

    Hi :)

    i quite agree there yes definatly the funniest i,ve ever seen normally all you get is a hi welcome :D first time i,ve debated joining another forum i,m not a mod on i normally use reptile forums as thats my line of work when i,m not mending landys
  17. M

    Hi :)

    erm everyone talks like that dont they is lol not allowed on here oh sorry forgot forresters dont know it but us here in wales use it all the time when texting whats that got to do with anything and all the places above the names for some of them posting is false they all inbreds the way...
  18. M

    Hi :)

    erm hold on here why am i being classed as razors alter ego slob i,m nothing to do with him not even in same country you must love sitting in your hooose insulting people no brains no landy no life mmm poor old slob perfect name you choose there i only joined in this thread as it was funny...
  19. M

    Hi :)

    :rolleyes: oh boy thick as well as illiterate now how do i explain in words that you will understand ermmmmmm slob etc and hybrid girl talk crap in words that make no sense :rolleyes:
  20. M

    Hi :)

    shunt ???????? is that forest talk too whats it mean?