post a big piccy of someone landy and pretend its yours ..another great idea from mr originailty or was it his alter ego mica that thought it up
omg now its a chat site for gays too blimey oh riley this place is so much fun i,m literally rofl tears running down my face it hilarious

who ever thought owing a landy would be so mcvuh fun :D
post a big piccy of someone landy and pretend its yours ..another great idea from mr originailty or was it his alter ego mica that thought it up

HHmm again Mr thicko slob cant read where did i put it was mine ???? DEERRRRRR
just thought all you peeps in here would like to see one working instead of on your drives doing nothing :D
post a big piccy of someone landy and pretend its yours ..another great idea from mr originailty or was it his alter ego mica that thought it up

nothing to do with me i,m female live in wales

carmarthen no where near tewskbury thankfully

i dont rememeber him saying it was his though i saw that pic on sky news last week
fook orf yer ****.. you gonna pretend that you didn't post it to pretend it wur yours.. look fook orf and go play wiff yer toys and take yer alter ego wiff ya
fook orf yer ****.. you gonna pretend that you didn't post it to pretend it wur yours.. look fook orf and go play wiff yer toys and take yer alter ego wiff ya

awwww Slobby you getting insulting now :( am i getting to you lmao

why not go tuck yourself up in bed with a hot choccie you will get over it ;)
fook orf yer ****.. you gonna pretend that you didn't post it to pretend it wur yours.. look fook orf and go play wiff yer toys and take yer alter ego wiff ya

awwww Slobby you getting insulting now :( am i getting to you lmao

why not go tuck yourself up in bed with a hot choccie you will get over it ;)
:rolleyes: oh boy thick as well as illiterate

now how do i explain in words that you will understand

ermmmmmm slob etc and hybrid girl talk crap in words that make no sense :rolleyes:

ffs you **** read the whole post before you make yourself look a complete tit
ok, its like this:
you typed the infamous "lol"

then you started whining about people on here not speaking english

i asked you to explain your actions

you missed the lol bit as it went "WHHOOOOSSSHHH"

you then tried to make it look as if it were me that didnt get it when all you did was prove to us that it really did go "WHOOOOSSHHH"

erm hold on here why am i being classed as razors alter ego slob i,m nothing to do with him not even in same country you must love sitting in your hooose insulting people

no brains no landy no life mmm poor old slob perfect name you choose there i only joined in this thread as it was funny thank you
you got to admit this has got to be one of the best welcome threads ever :D no wonder people want to join in
ok, its like this:
you typed the infamous "lol"

erm everyone talks like that dont they is lol not allowed on here

oh sorry forgot forresters dont know it but us here in wales use it all the time when texting whats that got to do with anything

and all the places above the names for some of them posting is false they all inbreds the way they type gives it away :rolleyes: :eek:
:rolleyes: oh boy thick as well as illiterate

now how do i explain in words that you will understand

ermmmmmm slob etc and hybrid girl talk crap in words that make no sense :rolleyes:

Dint fookin start on me yer fookin **** face cock suckin titty lickin bint/bloke/****

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