1. nigel ramsbottom

    hello freelanders

    hello boys how are we to night? i'm really fuming now!! elton and i went out to do some off roading in my freelander on hampstead heath and it ran aground on the kerb. after about an hour the rac turned up and you wouldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a woman ! well you...
  2. nigel ramsbottom

    The ultimate question! WhatÂ’s the best?

    hello boys who is this dildo? can i meet him please? and is he adorable? love nigel xx
  3. nigel ramsbottom

    Removing aerial

    oh! dearie you really shouldn't be using spanners and things,you'll et your hands all dirty and quite possibly break a nail, you should leave that kind of thing to those butch boys . now you just run along and make tea, theres a loveie nigelxx
  4. nigel ramsbottom

    hello freelanders

    hello people, i've just joined this forum and at first glance it seems very helpful. i have a td4 and it is causing me some concern. every time i put on the squoossers, you know the bit that squirts water on to the windscreen, well my reverse lights come on. i can hear you all asking how i could...