
New Member
Hi there, wondering if anyone could tell me how to remove a standard, wing mounted aerial (off my 1997 Def 90). I just can't see under the wing very well..........not without bashing my head on the coolant reservoir!

Any advice woulod be appreciated, Cheers Deb
Sorry can't help. I havent got a radio let alone an aerial, if I had I'm sure it wouldn't work.
Can't you connect your aerial lead to your windscreen wiper? You might be able to get channel 4.
Well with my wonky wiper I would probably get better reception on Channel 4 than my current aerial gets on the radio!!
oh! dearie you really shouldn't be using spanners and things,you'll et your hands all dirty and quite possibly break a nail, you should leave that kind of thing to those butch boys . now you just run along and make tea, theres a loveie
Sorry...didn't take your advice Nige, I had a go and wish I hadn't bothered!
I broke two nails, got all dirty and still didn't finish because I didn't know my own strength and snapped the aerial cable when trying to pull it through the bulkhead...............may change my name to butch!

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