1. D

    Discovery 5 Uni project...HELP

    Or a nissan cashquai or however you spell it. Landrovers are meant to be untilitarian square boxes, even the pretty city ones which only go to tescos. Disco 3 is a great example, new design but still very square, practical and traditional, but with rounded corners to make it look modern. I...
  2. D

    Wave Etiquette

    I never realised the wave was such a well known, and precise thing! I've waved at a few other landy's whilst driving my disco and got the cold shoulder so many times I lost confidence and gave up :( I think the only wave I've ever recieved was from a 90 with all the toys. I suppose the problem...
  3. D

    Anyone having to pre-heat their 300tdi *three* times each morning??

    It's probably your battery or glow plugs or both. I've recently replaced both and its starting better now this this cold weather than it did in the summer!
  4. D

    Love your disco

    Well today I decided to fix a whole load of little things as MOT is drawing near, in addition attended to a few service items - glow plugs, air filter and fuel filter. Took me 2 hours tops, got it all done before the sun went down and my god it drives like a new car now! It's easy to not...
  5. D

    Niagra Grey Paint

    Looking to replace a panel on a disco which will need spraying to match the rest of the car. Ovbiously a panel is a reasonably large area so the tiny LR touchup paints are no use. Does anyone know where I can buy the stuff in 2 or 5l tins?
  6. D

    Permenant 4 wheel drive?

    All disco's are constant 4wd, and i *think* its the same for all defenders except for the very old series ones.
  7. D

    whats a camel cut

    I *think* it is cutting the wheel arches to acccomodate larger tyres as done originally in the camel trophy competition.
  8. D

    How to test an alternator?

    Just wondering how one goes about testing an alterntor? Just bought a new battery to replace the old one which needed replacing this time last year but just made it through the winter lol. Was talking to my neigbour and he suggested that it was probably my alternator at fault not the battery...
  9. D

    To Camouflage my Discovery or not? This is the question.

    Could you get creative with some strips of ali chequerplate ? You could consider it an offroading upgrade then rather than a bodge cover-up paint job
  10. D

    lift pump

    Stop being so tight. They go for about £15 new on ebay.
  11. D

    Some pics of my Disco :D

    Where did you get the plastic wheel arches from and how much were they ? Same question about the winch and winch bumper
  12. D

    Some pics of my Disco :D

    Youve done a really nice job there. I wish mine looked like that!
  13. D

    South West Day Meet

    I'd be interested in comming along if thats cool
  14. D

    Veggie oil

    Iamjack. What engine is in your 90 ? Are you using new or used veg oil ? In the summer you should be ok with 50:50, in winter maybe 80:20. A small amount of Acetone is supposed to be better than white spirit. Veg oil will clean your fuel system so expect to clog filters a lot to start with...
  15. D

    Water water everywhere!

    Unless youve been doing a lot of deep water driving lately, my money is that the water is coming top down. You just want to believe that hole is the problem cause its an easy fix. My money is on the windscreen or something equally difficult. I spent a day removing carpets and siliconing every...
  16. D

    Devon pub meet

    So when is this happening or have I missed it ?
  17. D

    Known faults on my first Landy (300tdi ES)

    Lights: there are several variations. If your indicators are in the bumper then you will have some empty spaces in the block of lights higher up. Mirrors: The plastic rack which drives the pan/tilt mechanism goes brittle with age and the teeth sheer. If wd40 doesnt fix it then it's probably...
  18. D

    How to test a turbo - help please

    I did the 'squeeze the big pipe and rev the engine' test this morning and was happy to see the pipe inflated and that the turbo was in good working order. Then I got home, read the post above and how i'm back to square one. I have plenty of pneumatic guages lying around that go up to 30psi ...
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    No power at low revs

    Cheers hughesy, that was a great find! Downloaded a copy of that for safekeeping.
  20. D

    How to test a turbo - help please

    Sweet! :D Thanks for the replys. I think i'm starting to understand this a bit now. So is it possible to see the wastegate without removing the turbo from the engine and/or dissassembling it? i.e is it possible to check just by looking that the wastegate is operating correctly and hasnt...